We coulda wrote a bio... but who really gives a fu*k about us? So we instead compiled some "facts" about the Cray and Dempsey Experience... and there is also some bullshit stuck in for good measure... because let's face it, that's what we're all about. See if you can find out what's fact and what's fiction (no cheating... you only need to visit our official website for the answers, www.crayanddempsey.com
Dempsey's brother is married to Cray's sister. Answer
Cray is the ..1 Target shooting Champion in the USA. Answer
Dempsey once posed nude on a CD cover and called himself Jesus Fever. Answer
Cray's nickname is Rocky. Answer
Dempsey once wore a pair of "stage" pants originally made for Joe Elliot by his wife Answer
Cray and Dempsey both met while in an Orphanage in Dublin. Answer
Cray was a Solider in the Irish Army. Answer
Dempsey composed the theme music for and independent Irish movie that went on to win an Austin, Texas film festival. Answer
Dempsey has a one-line walk-on roll in The Commitments. Answer
Cray was a five time All Ireland Youth Boxing Champion. Answer
Dempsey has a piece of his hipbone in his collarbone. Answer
Cray studied music at the esteemed Bass Collective school in NYC Answer
Dempsey "acted" in a soft core porn movie while struggling to make ends meet Answer
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