Gitte profile picture


Treat others like you want to be treatet yourself.

About Me

Hmm, I don..t say anyting, that I don..t mean!. I think that I have a great sense of humour, but I..m not so sure that those who know me mean the same ;-).------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- I have a baker education. Yes, I know I have to get up early, and work on holidays and in weekends, but I still think it is one of the best jobs in the world. There is nothing better, than to work with your hobby, right!. --------------------------------------------------------- I have been a blood donor, organ donor (if I should become brain dead, in a accident) since 1999, and I have been written up as a bone marrow donor too. Why I..m telling that, is that I think people that is capable of it, should consider becoming a donor, or at least a blood donor. Maybe one day going to need some blood or a organ ( a heart, liver, kidney, e.c.t.)yourself.So, if you are capable of it, then consider becoming a organ- or a blood donor. No matter which country you live in.----------------Video site. /gitte--------DISLIKE corrupt and dishonest people!.

My Interests

Hiking, nature, try at least one new thing a year, skiing, swimming, music, film, books, art, culture/history, travel, sport,

I'd like to meet:

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Infernal, The Raveonettes, Above & Beyond, Lucky Twice, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Sarah MacLachlan, Ace Of Base, ATB, Evanescence, Inez, Beatles, Black Eyed Peas, Slade, 4 Strings, ABBA, Ana Johnsson, Ferry Corsten, Rob Thomas/Matchboxtwenty, Ricky Martin, Enrique, Deep Purple, Billie Holiday, e.c.t.


Love to watch a good movie. Here I have some favorite genre, which is: sci-fi, action, psychological thrillers, romantic comedys. 5 favorites, which I can recommend: When Strangers Appear, Hero, Children Of Men, Subway, The Lake House,


The best sci-fi series that..s ever been, and will be made is, "Farscape"!. That..s my opinion. Also like to watch: Supernatural, stargate SG1/Atlantis, Greys Anatomy, Lost, NCIS, Battlestar Galactica,


Like to read a good book.


My family, and all the good hearted people in the world.

My Blog

The mammal, which is called the Human race.

The mammal which is called the Human race. Every day I read that people blame the society for their misfortune e.c.t., they just sit back and whining, instead of taking control of their...
Posted by Gitte on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 11:42:00 PST

What if.........

What if the human race wasen´t so destructive, and full of hate. What if we all worked together, instead of fighting one another, would the world be different?. Maybe, but we will never know!, not as ...
Posted by Gitte on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 10:31:00 PST

Grøn Koncert 2007/Green Concert 2007

Summertime is the time for "Green Concerts/Grønne Koncerter" to take place.It is the  Muscular Dystrophy Foundation who stands behind the Green Concerts, which is held in almo...
Posted by Gitte on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 01:36:00 PST

180Virvar Concert

Electronica, alternative, trip hop e.c.t., is not the kind of music I usually listen to, but that dosen`t mean that I don`t know what it is. My opinion is, that you will get greater experiences i...
Posted by Gitte on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 01:52:00 PST

Cod recipe

Fast and easy, Cod recipe for one person. ( One of my favorites)Ingredients.Cod fillet, mustard, salt and pepper, new small potatoes, jalapeno & chili sprinkle, fresh baby spinach leafes, whole fe...
Posted by Gitte on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 01:34:00 PST

Koncerter - Live Events Part 2

On Wednesday the 22end of November, Carefree put out, that they was having a showcase on Friday the 24th in Studenterhuset in Aarhus. Of course I had to go down there and hear them live, because I had...
Posted by Gitte on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 05:59:00 PST

Koncerter - Live Events.

English version, further down. Jeg både elsker og hader at gå til koncerter/live events. Elsker det, fordi der er en særlig atmosfære ved live forstillinger, hader det fordi det tager en dag eller to ...
Posted by Gitte on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 02:23:00 PST


THE MUSIC:I have discovered new music, and rediscovered music I haven`t listen to in a long time. Take for instance, The Ravenottes. They have their own unique sound, and that it`s why you a...
Posted by Gitte on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 03:36:00 PST

Infernal - Live Concert

 I have been a fan of Infernals music since the late 90`ties, but I had never had the chance to go to one of their concerts. (I always wanted to know, if they are as good live, as they ...
Posted by Gitte on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 03:29:00 PST