K-G and The Band profile picture

K-G and The Band

K-G and The Band

About Me

K-G and The Band- Heal Me
A BRIEF HISTORY OF K-G AND THE BANDK-G and The Band was formed under the leadership of the Lead Vocalist K-G. K-G Originally from East Africa , a US immigrant formed the band under the vision of diversity in Music and Culture, hence the band's sound is so Unique that it has its own brand name.They call it "Afro-Urban Music". The band comprises of members from the Caribbean, Europe and Latin America. All this builds a unique sound that is only compared to a combined feel of SADE, Bob Marley, Seal,Dave Mathews band and Wyclef Jean all in one.
Una BREVE HISTORIA Del K-G and The Band El K-G y la venda fueron formados bajo dirección del plomo Vocalist K-G. El K-G originalmente de África del este, un inmigrante de los E.E.U.U. formó la venda bajo visión de la diversidad en música y cultura, por lo tanto el sonido de la venda es tan único que tiene su propia marca. Lo llaman "música Afro-Urbana". La venda abarca de miembros del Caribe, de la Europa y de la América latina. Todo el esto construye un sonido único que se compare solamente a una sensación combinada de SADE, a la venda y a Wyclef Jean todo de Bob Marley, del sello, de Dave Mathews en uno.
Une BRÈVE HISTOIRE De K-G and The Band
Le K-G et la bande ont été formés sous la conduite du fil Vocalist K-G. Le K-G à l'origine d'Afrique de l'Est, un immigré des USA a formé la bande sous la vision de la diversité dans la musique et la culture, par conséquent le bruit de la bande est si unique qu'il ait son propre nom de marque. Ils l'appellent "musique Afro-Urbaine". La bande comporte des membres les Caraïbes, l'Europe et d'Amérique latine. Tout ceci établit un bruit unique qui est seulement comparé à une sensation combinée de SADE, à la bande de Bob Marley, de joint, de Dave Mathews et au Wyclef Jean tout dans un.
Uma breve história sobre K-G and The Band
K-G and the Band formaram-se sob a liderança do vocalista principal K-G. K-G oriundo da África de Leste e imigrante nos E.U.A. formou a banda com base na diversidade na Música e na Cultura, uma vez que o som da banda é de tal forma único que tem o seu próprio género associado. Chamam-lhe música "Afro-Urbana". A banda reúne membros das Caraíbas, Europa e América Latina. Tudo isto forma uma sonoridade única apenas comparável a uma combinação de SADE, Bob Marley, Dave Mathews band e Wyclef Jean, reunida numa só sonoridade.
Press Review "It is an authentic sound"- Calabash Music. com "You got to see them live to believe it" - Michael Simiyu, Mtaa FM ""An interesting Sound " - Mik Wang , Director Hip Hop Colony
"I got to say K-G got some skills "- Dj Chino, 102Jamz Orlando
"The spirited "Afro-Urban" music of KG and The Band "- Orlando Music Blog
"His energy, combined with the band's, really did have me shakin' my hips"- Alicia Lyman, Orlando CityBeat For BOOKING contact us at:[email protected] or here on Myspace

My Interests


Member Since: 3/14/2005
Band Website: kgandtheband.com
Sounds Like:

"Sanctuary" Viewers discretion advised...video based on true events...unfortunately

"Celebrate Brooklyn 06"Live at Prospect Park, NYC with THE AFRICAN UNDERGROUND ALLSTARS

K-G and The Band- Dying To Know Live

Record Label: Swahili Entertainment ( Management)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Hello to all we just got added to MTV U- this is a search for the best  Music on Campus .So Check out the page and please give us good ratings. Other than that we are just hoping for the best.&nb...
Posted by K-G and The Band on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 03:56:00 PST

Orlando CityBeat Gives us a Review >>>

By Alicia Lyman Orlando CityBeat November 22 2006 K-G AND THE BAND: I've heard a lot of good things from old fans of the Legendary JC's and 11 Red Apples, and they seem to have ...
Posted by K-G and The Band on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 08:06:00 PST

Two Tracks on Orlando's Top 20

Good news we just clinched #1 and 2  this week on the TOP 20 Orlando,FL, musolist THE ORLANDO,FL TOP 20
Posted by K-G and The Band on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 03:12:00 PST

TWO OF OUR SONGS ON THE TOP 50 World Music Chart >>>>

Hello to all , through your continued support two of our songs have made it into # 19 and 20 of the world chart this week on AMERICAN IDOL UNDERGROUND NOTE: YOU CAN HELP US GET TO #1 BY RATING US W...
Posted by K-G and The Band on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 02:17:00 PST

Featured on Voice of Africa Radio U.K.

Massive thanks to Dj Mthu for giving us spins on Voice of Africa Radio in the U.K.The show will be on every tuesday 4-7pm UK time on www.voiceofafricaradio.com( the station also broadcasts on digital ...
Posted by K-G and The Band on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 03:50:00 PST

Just Listed on World Music Central

The world's leading website on World Music listings, has just listed us along some of the TOP world music acts>>>>World Music Central ...
Posted by K-G and The Band on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 05:09:00 PST

Featured on Sonicbids.com

Just got featured on it works on sonicbids.com Sonicbids.com
Posted by K-G and The Band on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 01:52:00 PST

"Get up and Dance " Song of The Week on Epictunes

Hi guys "Get Up and Dance" is song of the week (23rd to27th Oct.) on Epictunes.com.Much love for all the support >>>>
Posted by K-G and The Band on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 06:56:00 PST


The rock star Bono has launched a new global brand, Pr...
Posted by K-G and The Band on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 06:38:00 PST

Oct. 1st @ The Social with BRAZILIAN GIRLS >>>>>

Oct. 1st will be a big day for us.Brazilian Girls are coming to Orlando,FL and we are opening .This will be a BIG AND FAN SHOW!!!>>>>>Show Details:Venue:The Social54 North Orange AvenueOrlando, FL 328...
Posted by K-G and The Band on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 03:58:00 PST