Mansion first came on the scene a couple of years ago while keeping a fairly low profile. They weren't advertised any place to speak of. They seemed determined to let their actions speak for them which in turn, would allow their business to grow the old fashioned way. Word of mouth. Well, that's exactly what happened.They offered reduced juice right from the get go on their exchange. At one point last year they had college hoops at -102!! Many of the sharper players started playing at Mansion early on.We started their ourselves two years ago. Word quickly began to spread among the wiseguy community that Mansion was a serious book that not only paid but paid FAST. That was two years ago, and little has changed. Mansion remains among the fasted paying sportsbooks in the industry at a time when other books seemingly make you jump through hoops to get a payout.The two most important factors when choosing any sportsbook are payouts, which we discussed above, and bet offers or fair deals for the player. Mansion offers the player one of the best deals in the industry. Reduced juice wagering on all sports.If you wanted to put in your own offers, that capability is there as well.All players know by now how important having a reduced juice sportsbook is. It's like getting a bonus EVERY time you make a bet. However there are very few reduced juice sportsbooks around these days with solid reputations and that's a void that Mansion has already filled.Simply put, Mansion has developed a reputation as a sportsbook that pays lightening quick and takes big bets at reduced juice prices.