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Vivien Searcy

Modern Country

About Me

Vivien Searcy is an American singer and songwriter living in Sweden since 1995. Vivien´s band is called "The Ozarks" due the fact the city of Searcy is laying on the foot of the mountain chain The Ozarks in Arkansas (USA). Discography: * CD Maxi Single "Another Rainy Day" Vivien Searcy featuring Mathias Holmgren (Jan 2006) * CD Maxi Single "Guitarman" (June 2006) * Music Video "Guitarman" (June 2006)*The Vivien Searcy CD album "Water On Soil" is gaining a great lot of airplay in Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium,South Africa,Australia and more. January 2007 ”Water On Soil” was nominated ”RTV Noord Draaischijf van de week” (”Album of the week”) on radio station RTV Noord in The Netherlands and was given the highest score.The Music Video Guitarman is broadcasted on German, Australian and New Zeeland TV Networks.This far Vivien Searcy has played and toured in Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Estonia. More national & international tours are in the planning.More info on homepages: Booking & Management: [email protected] edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

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Member Since: 9/21/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Vivien Searcy & The Ozarks are: Vivien Searcy (VOX), Andreas Rydman (GUITARS), Jonas Gunnarsson (BASS), Johan Öhrn (DRUMS), Charlotte Centervall (BGR VOX GUITARS), Nicke Widén (PEDAL STEEL, DOBRO), Adrian Jones (FIDDLE)
Influences: Life, originality, country music with a heart, attitude and a smile.
Sounds Like: Vivien Searcy. (a lill bitta Gretschen, a lill bitta Allison, a lill bitta Matrina, a lill bitta everything but still purely her self; Vivien Searcy).
Record Label: Ragdoll Production, Sweden
Type of Label: Indie