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I'm really into doing stuff these days.
I don't know how many bottles of beer i have consumed while waiting for things to get better.
I don't know how much wine and whiskey and beer
mostly beer
I have consumed after splits with women
I'm really into Voltanic Rock these days.
Cool Hand Luke
The Hustler
Color of Money
Beer League
Old B/W Classics
Gangster Flix
Movies with Retards(How's Your News?)
Rivers Edge
David Lynch movies
Night of the Creeps
Pootie Tang
Clint Eastwood films
The Karate Kid
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia
American Idol
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Wife Swap
Forensic Files
Cold Case Files
American Justice
Checking out that Bukowski fella. I wanna know what all the hype is about.So far I've tasted his Ham on Rye.I must say it went down smooth.
Michael Richards