Peace is the ONLY way profile picture

Peace is the ONLY way

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi, I'm Katie Dozier.
FYI: Blondes DO have more fun!
I hate silverware; eating with my fingers IS much more fun.
My friends are more like family to me and I have been lucky to have such an AMAZING family.
I consider myself to be a hippie because I LOVE:
- tie-dye
-Grateful Dead
- being barefoot.
Music is my ESCAPE from reality.
ANIMALS are amazing creatures that are usually OVERLOOKED and UNDER APPRECIATED .
Sharks are my favorite animals, next to cows and dogs.
God is a HUGE part of my life, but I won't JUDGE another's religion. It is not for me to decide, as it is NOT for ANYONE to decide which religion is higher than the rest.
Gandhi was a man of true greatness; his non-voilence movements INSPIRE me.
STANDING UP for what you BELIEVE IN is of high importance to me. Don't EVER let other people make you feel less of a person because you have DIFFERENT opinions. We need to TOLERATE our differences and accept them instead of FIGHTING them.
I am a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT , but I respect other's political views, beliefs.
Close minded people BOTHER me.
War, animal cruelty, DISCRIMINATION make me sad.
All murder is wrong, whether or not it is LEGAL: death penalty, war (WHICH IS MASS MURDER WITH A PAYCHECK), and homocide.
I am a PACIFIST, I am against violence of all sorts. If there is an issue, violence only worsens the situation.
Conformity is DISHEARTENING: God created us all different for a reason.
I go to Ball State and I am a telecommunications major. I hope to one day make documentaries for PBS on important issues. I am thinking of minoring in Peace and conflict studies as well.
I am TERRIBLE at math, I DON'T always eat healthy, I can't tell TIME, I don't know how to READ a map, I am directionally CHALLENGED, and I can't EAT an ice cream cone outside in the summer without dripping all over myself. But I am 100% real and that's AMAZING.
I don't give a SHIT what other people THINK of me: if you don't like me, that's OKAY because I have plenty of wonderful people in my life who DO. I have NOTHING to prove to anyone, so don't think YOU are the exception because you're NOT. I am who I AM : love me, hate me, I could care less, just don't expect me to CHANGE who I am for you.
GREASE is my favorite food group.
IHOP is my favorite restaurant; eating out is an EXPENSIVE habit of mine.
I swear most of the time: don't be shocked when you hear me say, "FUCK!"
Pictures are memories that exist OUTSIDE our minds.
I thrive on SUNSHINE, that's why spring and summer are my favorite times of the year.
Loving another is one of the GREATEST things we can do in life.
Money will NEVER bring you happiness, only a false sense of security.
I HATE materialism and how our society pays a high premium on labels because of how they believe that the label makes them a better person. To be a GREAT PERSON you need to: love everyone, accept everyone for who they are not for what you want them to be and help those in need. These are the traits of the truly great.
I have NO regrets. Every wrong turn, wrong act has lead to several right ones and has taught me a lesson that was needed.
Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds:"This one is amazing. People came up and said cunningly 'Right, I get it, LSD' and it was when the papers were talking about LSD, but we never thought about it. What happened was that John's son Julian did a drawing at school and brought it home, and he has a schoolmate called Lucy, and John said 'Whats that?' and he said 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'.-Paul
"The first time I saw you I was afraid to talk to you, the first time I talked to you I was afraid to like you, the first time I liked you I was afraid to love you, but now that I love you I am afraid to lose you."
It is not bigotry to be certain we are right; but it is bigotry to be unable to imagine how we might possibly have gone wrong. -G. K. Chesterton

My Interests

nap parties, friends, environment, gay rights, human rights, photography, sunshine, spring, summer, traveling, hippies, '60's counter-culture,festivals, music, April, Target, the country side,camping, swimming, water, rock and roll, tie-dye, flip-flops, Buddha, God, Gandhi,karma, Lush store, peace, love, happiness, laughing, smiling, anti-war movements/ propaganda, non-conformist, odd or eccentric people,voting, the 1st Amendment - freedom of speech, religion, right to petition, etc., standing up for my beliefs and the beliefs of those in the minority, journalism, film, food: organic and ice cream, restaurants, cuddling, stars, walking outside, animal rights, animals, my dogs, reading, poetry, my family, Clementine (my car), religion, philosophy, politics, antiques, being barefoot, Pilates, walking around aimlessly outdoors, jumping in rain puddles barefoot, incense, meeting new people, tattoos, and bashing Bush and his administration.
Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. -Buddha

I'd like to meet:

Gandhi, Martin Luther Kind Jr., Jerry Garcia, John Lennon, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, God, Jim Morrison, Bob Dylan, Martin Scorsese, Jack Nickelson, Buddha, Barack Obama, Tyler Perry, Madea, President Bush, our founding fathers(I would like to know if they are as disappointed in Bush and what he has done to our country as I am), anyone who stands up for what they believe in, for what is right, even if they are the only ones standing, and anyone who is open-minded and knows how to laugh.

"so just live. have wonderful times. make mistakes but never second guess where you've been, where you are, and most of all - where you're going"

"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve my best"-Marilyn Monroe



I love a lot of movies! Alice in Wonderland, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Easy Rider,Across the Universe, Yellow Submarine,Almost Famous, Hairspray, Knocked up, Clue, Fried Green Tomatoes, Big Lebowski,When Harry Met Sally, Brokeback Mountain, Candy,Hortan Hears a Who, Now and Then, Chicken Little.


Golden Girls, Family Guy, Will and Grace, Sex and the City, SpongeBobSquarePants, Animal Planet, Lifetime, HGTV, Seinfeld,The Closer, adult swim, Dead Like Me, and anything else that catches my attention. I watch too much tv! =)


Siddhartha, Good Night Nobody, Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 1984, Teachings of the Buddha, Shopaholic series, Jennifer Cruise, Jodi Piccoult, Janet Evanovich.


God, all the women in my family (dead and alive), anyone who stands up for what they believe in, my friends: Courtney, Evelyn, T.J., Benjamin, Daisy, Amanda, Marrisa and Kenny for standing up for themselves and being true to themselves,Gandhi, John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr., Madea, anyone in love, Oprah, Gloria Steinam, Susan B. Anthony, Amalia Arhart, and anyone who is different, keep being true to yourself.

My Blog


I recently found out that my first love cheated on me. How cliche. I kind of always knew, but didn't really want to admit it to myself. Well, anyway, I have been thinking a lot lately about what I wan...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:24:00 PST


Somedays everything feels right and life is just wonderful. Somedays everything seems to be going wrong; your friends are mad at you, you didn't do well on a paper or exam, random strangers say someth...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 01:05:00 PST


As of late, I have been trying to become more aware of myself. I have learned that due to numerology, the numbers of my birth that add up to 31, meaning that I am in third power, which basically means...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:43:00 PST

What Now?

I have lost my faith yet again and I think this time it may be for good. I have always had difficulties with religion and church and God, but now those problems seem amplified to me. I began attending...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:20:00 PST

Standing up for myself

This is my response to the last message my old Pastor sent me. Pastor Randy,I have a few qualms about your last message. First, I will not discriminate against my friends because of a character flaw; ...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:47:00 PST


In life, people will come and go, but those that stay close are the ones that you need. In the past year, I have had a few people disappoint me, letting me down more than they probably even reali...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 02:01:00 PST

The voice of "God" ?

This is the message that I perceive of hate that came from a "man of God," my old Pastor, responding from my message. Dear Katie,If I would have remained silent would you have respected me as always? ...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:45:00 PST

My voice

This is a message I sent to my old Pastor regarding messages of hate he had sent me, which I will post later. I have read the messages that you sent me regarding the bulletins I have posted recently.F...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:43:00 PST

Future Husband Requirements: Must Read Before Proposing

So, my friend Miss Ren, wrote a blog similar to this and it really got me thinking: "What do I really want in a soul mate, a love, a husband. So here is the list and in no particular order. - Must lov...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 10:11:00 PST

homosexuality isn’t an issue; they’re REAL PEOPLE

So today I gave a speech in my english class over my culture paper and showing off my website that I'm still in the process of finishing; they're both over gay culture. My thesis was why is there an a...
Posted by Peace is the ONLY way on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 01:39:00 PST