Dehumanizer profile picture


About Me

Dehumanizer Hakkinda:2005 yilinda Skinless Disposal ile calismaya baslayan Saygin ve Serkan,2006 Temmuz'da gruptan ayrildilar..Ikili calismalari kesmeden grup elemani aramaya basladi.Bass gitarda Efe yer aldi.Gitarist acigini kapamak icin ugrasan ikili,Volkan ve Umut'a teklif götürdü.Olumlu cevap gelmesi üzerine kadrosunu tamamlayan grup,ismini Dehumanizer olarak belirledi.Tarzi Death/Grind olan grubun besteleri hazir oldugu icin zorluk yasanmadi ve hemen calismalara baslandi. Serkan'in Decaying Purity'ye gecmesi ile,grup suan yoluna vokalsiz devam ediyor...................................................... ..........................................................Sa ygin and Serkan who started working with Skinless Disposal in 2005,have separated from the group in 2006.The two,without giving a break,started to look for new members.Efe took over the bass guitar.To close the gap in guitars,the two took a proposal to Volkan and Umut.As a positive answer was recieved,the group completed their staff and determined their name as Dehumanizer.Having a Death/Grind format and ready to use songs,the group had no problem in organising.With the passing over off Serkan to Decaying Purity,the group is continuing without a vocal..

My Interests


Member Since: 9/21/2006
Band Members: Volkan-Guitar , Umut-Guitar , Efe-Bass , Saygin-Drums
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None