The perfect lihivihtih of JAH Rastafari. Reading scripture; chanting Ihizhzh; writing thoughts, words, and feelings; dancing; becoming a Sacred Woman (cite the book sihstrihnzh, Sacred Woman by Queen Afua). Ihi am a seamstress; Ihi also knit and crochet. Ihi enjoy yoga, ihitahl cooking, reasoning, meditation, and horitculture. Ihi truly love working with children, as my chosen vocation will lead Ihi to a life of helping them. Learning is very important to Ihi livity, as well as grass roots movements and business building. As always, pleasing Ihi KingMan is of great interest to Ihi Queen Love to you King
Haile Ihi Selassie Ihi------------------------------------ All dahtahzh and suhnzh of the Most Ihi who hears HIM word and are called by HIM namesake JAH RASTAFARI.------------- All brothers and sisters of Christianity are not excluded, for Ihi am a former church girl myself.------------------- Any sistas who want to know more about Rastafari and the perfect lihivihtih---------------------------------------- Any conscious minded people who are about movement, and not just speech.---------------------------------------------- Truly all are welcome, so do not be offended. Keep your hearts pure, and your mind opened
Ihi personally listen to only Roots Reggae, Culture Reggae, African drumming, Itiopian music (know where Ihi Queen can get more, let Ihi know), Orthodox Itiopian music and hymns. Ihi can appreciate any genre of music that has a message of upliftment in it.
Any documentary or true to events movie about Africa: Hotel Rwanda, Sometimes in April. Ihi King and Ihi do watch a myriad of different movies so it is hard to chose a few.
Secret vice is Law and Order, others Ihi watch to kill time
The Ihible, Itations of Rastafari, My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, Rastafarian Ihible, Kebra Negast, Hath the Lion Prevailed, Sacred Woman. Ihi Queen wants to read so much more, so if the Ihizh know of some books Ihi Queen has not heard of, please fuhwahdh
Haile Selassie Ihi the First, Queen Nyabhinghi, Ancient Empresses and Queens of Afrika, the Ancestors, Marcus Garvey, Leonard Howell, Robert Nesta Marley, Queen Mother Farika, Queen of Sheba, Empress Menen, my Mother: I love you Mommy!