Background from Yahoo search resultRAS~TAFARI IS LOVE, LET US ALL LOVE
Praising Jah, listening to reggae music, cooking, baking, reading & taking walks in Nature, reasoning with InI bredren & sistren also meeting all these beautiful spirits on Ispace...Give thx to u all for your continued friendship.... Wadada Always
Anyone whom is willing to share quality information which is conducive to me reaching success in these times.If there are people in InI life that Itinually dissapoint InI, break promises, stomp on InI dreams, too judgemental, have different values and traditions, don't have InI back during difficult times..them no friend of MINES!!! To have a friend.... BE.... a friend. In life as InI grow friends will either GROW or GO. Surround InI with people who reflect values, goals, interests and a balanced livity.......When InI Iditate on my successes in life I give honorable thanks to the Almighty from whom all blessings flow as well as my family & friends who enrich my life. Over the years my phonebook has changed because I have changed for the better. At first it feels as if you are about to be alone but after a while new people show up & make your life sweeter and easier to endure.......Remember what the elders say, "Birds of a feather flock together. If you're an eagle, don't hang around chickens: Chickens can't fly!.................I love H.I.M...He keeps me functioning each & everyday. Without H.I.M I will be nothing, without H.I.M i am nothing but with H.I.M i can do all things..In these times be Positive & Progressive for *R*ighteousness exalts all nations...Honorable strength 2 all *R*oyal Prince & Princess.... *R* Government is the *R*ight way to the true & divine salvation which prevents Jah Jah children from ever going ASTRAY!!!..............Holy Emmanuel I, King Selassie I, Jah*R*astafarI Menen I Love
Nyabinghi chants(music 4 the Soul), Conscious and Old School Reggae, a bit of R&B & Calypso.
Blood Diamonds,Rockers, One Love, Harder They Come, Documentaries on Black Leaders, The Color Purple, Roots, Queen Omega Rising, Sankofa, A Woman Called Moses, many others 2 numerous 2 mention......
No need 4 enuff movies to choose from. TEL~ LYE ~ VISION who needs this anyway?????
The Ible,The Holy Piby, Healthy living for all seasons, Breaking the Curse of Willie Lynch, From Niggas to Gods Pt.1 n 2, JAHUG Collection, Autobiography on H.I.M, The Opening of the Seven Seals, The Master Cleanser, Sacred Woman(Queen Afua), The Lost Books of the Bible,The Goddess Blackwoman"12 Lessons" a MUST read for all Blackwomen by AKIL....
....Holy Emmanuel I...King well as EMPRESS MENEN I...All FREEDOM Fighters INCLUDING all those whom UPHOLD THE TRUTH AND DEFEND GOOD OVER EVIL; TO DO THE WILL OF JAH HERE ON EARTH...Three in One Order InI defend!!!