Music, songwriting and karaoke with beer or white rum.
Reading and more reading.
The history of World war
Extra Sensory Perception.
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Patrick Stewart, Edward Norton, Mel Gibson Quentin Tarantino, Jonathon Frakes, Isabella Rosellini, Aristotle, Plato, Douglas Adams, Erwin Rommel, Edgar Allen Poe, Layne staley, Kurt cobain, James Hetfield, Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell, Tom Morello, and Jewel.
Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Audioslave, Nirvana, Three Days Grace, Finger Eleven & much, much more.
Quentin Tarantino Movies.
The Bourne Identity.
The Chronicals of Riddick.
The Matrix Trilogy.
The LOTR Trilogy.
The Sum Of All Fears.
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Star Trek: the next generation. The Simpsons. The Family Guy. Futurama. CSI. Friends.
"The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy: A trilogy in four parts" by Douglas Adams. "The Spandau Pheonix" by Greg Ilses. "The eye of the needle" by Ken Follet. "The Eage has landed" by Jack Higgins. "Tuesdays with Morrie." by Mitch Albom.
Morrie, Batman, and Captain Picard.
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