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Michael the Aussie

About Me

**Tune In** G'day and welcome to the another edition of the Aussie and more...
ah, oops... wrong line. But while you're at it, check out AlwaysCountry.net if you like country music. :-)
If you perform country music and are an indie (or any artist for that matter), we would love to support you!
One of our main aims at AlwaysCountry.net is to support indies and new artist and not just the big names. If you're a big name, don't worry we'd still love to hear from you! :-)
If you would like us to play your music, please add me and send me a message. I'll get back to you and we can organise you to send us your music and we'll also add you to our Indies or Artists link pages.
You might also be able to link back to AlwaysCountry as a place your fans around the world can hear your music.
Thanks and look forward to playing your music!
Tune In Here
Gympie Muster 2007 (more photos will be added soon)
Gold Coast Bike Week 2007

My Interests

Business, Photography, Online Radio DJ'ing, Outdoors (camping, bushwalking & hunting), Dancing (Ballroom/Latin), Woodwork, Metalwork, Leatherwork, BF1942 & BF2 (online gaming with clan mates), Cooking.

I'd like to meet:

A few people I guess...

'Gramps' - a great guy I've had the pleasure to know online but not yet meet,
Sir Richard Branson - a very unique, smart and talented person! Would love to learn a lot from him.
There are more - so I might add them over time.

Where I'd like to Travel:
Norway - I've wanted to travel to Norway since I watched the Kirk Douglas movie: The Heros of Telemark. Since I want to learn cross country skiing, I figure Norway would have to be about the best place to learn!
Germany - Mainly due to the fact that all my father's forebears came from Germany.
Europe in general - Lots of interesting place, landmarks, scenery I would like to see and culture I would like to experience.
USA - Well of course I want to visit the US too! I've come to know a number of people in all corners of the US, not to mention that mother's best friend and her family live there.
Canada - OK, looks like we need another stop over. I'd love to see the Rockies and many other areas of Canada. More great photo opportunities! :-)
Australia - Last but by no means least! Consider the amazing variety of landscapes to be found on continent almost the size of the US or as big as most of Europe... and it's totally unique from the rest of the world! While I've seen many areas of Australia, there are still many places I would like to see - while also having plenty of time to relax and enjoy it. Last year I was lucky enough to take a short trip to Alice Springs followed by a 3 day tour of Ayers Rock, the Olgas and Kings Canyon (I was looking at getting a job as a tour guide there). You really do have to see it in person to see how different this part of Australia is. If you're ever looking at taking a tour there, check out Adventure Tours . Great fun and great guides!
Areas of Australia I would like to see would be the Tasmanian Wilderness, the Kimberly's in The Northern Territory, some of the Northern Queensland Coast, the forests in Western Australia and of course the Blue Mountains.

Events I would like to see:
Vienna New Year's Day Concert - This would have to be up there on my top list! Yes, I know a bit different, but a great Waltz, or Polka played by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra really can't be beaten!
Winter Olympics - I'm not sure why, maybe the fact that Australia doesn't get the sort of Winters the Winter Olympic sports rely on, but it has always been one even I've really enjoyed watching!
Last Night of the Proms - If you want a bit of British musical madness, I think this might be the place to go. :-)
Live artists... too many to list! But they would include solo artists such Richard Clayderman, through to singers like Shania Twain, Carrie Underwood, and Glen Campbell (many more too!)


Easy Listening, Country, Pop... quite a range, but not your usual choice for my age group.
Favorite Artists (lots)...
Richard Clayderman,
Henry Arland,
Glen Campbell (fantastic on 12 string too!)
Shania Twain,
Dean Martin
BZN... just to mention a few.
When it comes to country music, the list is rather long. :-)
From big name artists, to indies and some good Aussie artists there are a lot of good songs out there! Tune into AlwaysCountry.net and you can enjoy listening to some of them.
OK, Special mention at the moment would have to go to Van Preston. She's an indie and there's something about her sound that that really sucks me in!


All time oldie favourites...
North by North West,
Heros of Telemark,
Rio Bravo.
More recent movies...

Favourite Actors & Actresses...
Harrison Ford,
John Wayne,
Mel Gibson,
Russell Crowe,
Kiefer Sutherland,
Eric Bana (because I liked Black Hawk Down, he's a good Aussie & because I've had the pleasure of meeting him).
Grace Kelly,
Julia Roberts,
Nicole Kidman,
Kiera Knightly (just kidding Aunova, not trying to steal your girl! lol).


Dancing With The Stars, 24, Prison Break.


Biggles, The Chronicles of Narnia


Probably my parents for starters.
Besides them, it's more of a neck and neck battle... I might think about this one some more. :-)