Movies you ask? Well I have a pretty extensive collection of movies. Some I've had to buy twice, cause I ruined the first copy, some I've seen a few times and others that are still in the packaging. For my favorites.....Freddy movies rock!!! I know it's cheesy and old school, but that was the first horror movie that I saw. SAW....!!!!! Another awsome movie. Can't wait for the 3rd to come out. Now for the softer side of me....Labyrinth. Anybody want to make a bet to see who knows this movie better than me? ( See... that's the gambler in me talking).( See ''Television'' section for full details).
I watch too much tv. I'm a sucker for reality tv. There's no stopping me when it comes to Big Brother. That's my favorite. Survivor on the other getting pretty borring. But what else is there to watch on a Thursday night at 8:00? My new favorite show is Rescue Me.(It's on Showcase, Tuesdays at 10:00pm). My other weak spot is poker.Whenever there is a game on tv, you can expect me to be home on the couch.(I really think I may have a sickness)Anyone with me on this one.....or am I the only one? lol
I'm not a big fan of reading. Yet when I see an interesting prison novel ( fiction or not ) most likely I'll pick it up. Those are the key words, pick it up. That doesn't mean that I'm gonna take the time to read it. Granted, I have read a few. It took me a little over a year for each one, but I still read them!!! Give me a little bit of credit.
My mother. There is nobody in the world who is as strong as she is.