This site is created for a community of people, many of whom know each other and Andrea...
We are here for Andrea. She needs a network of connections and benefactors to assemble in the awareness of her plight. The consequent benefits we are constructing are to raise money to alleviate her life threatening woes , by buying a Light Beam Generator, and helping to rid her, once and for all, of her thyroid cancer...
Andrea is an incredibly special person and dear friend of ours. If you are to meet her, you'll remember, because of the intensity of positive light radiating from this beautiful soul. We have been fortunate enough to get to know Andrea for most of the last year and have become quite familiar with her life circumstances, the most serious of which currently being thyroid cancer. The more we know her the more we want to help.
The primary focus of these fundraisers is to purchase a device, proving very beneficial for many ailments, called a Light Beam Generator. This machine is the most definitive tool, so far, that has shown extremely positive results keeping her cancer at bay, and can offer her and many others a path to wellness. Meaning, we can all use this machine once we acquire it.
Andrea has struggled with failing health for 8 years since an auto accident in 1998. In college, studying dance and musical theatre, she was on a break during winter semester, and on her way back from skiing, her car slid over a cliff throwing her body from the vehicle. Thankfully and miraculously she survived, though she suffered multiple spinal injuries. With this kind of stress on the body, the thyroid is typically the gland to be affected the most.
Andrea treated her spinal injuries with the aid of an Asian acupuncturist, where she grew up, in San Francisco . The treatments dramatically helped with the spinal injuries, but her immune system had been weakened over time by the injuries. In 2000, she was diagnosed with Hashimotos disease, an auto-immune disease of the thyroid, and was put on medicine to suppress the symptoms.
In 2003, Andrea she had a nervous breakdown and flew to Atlanta to stay with some relatives. She finally had some testing done at Emory Clinic and she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The biopsy showed very early signs of papillary carcinoma in the left thyroid. The Otolaryngologists at Emory wanted to cut the whole thyroid gland out, possibly damaging the vocal cords, along with all the lymph nodes in the surrounding areas, and then some radiation therapy just to make sure.
This just wasn't an option for Andrea. The thyroid gland is immeasurably essential so she went online and found two very good clinics in Atlanta offering practical alternative methods for treating auto-immune diseases and cancer.
She went through several weeks of treatments at the Regeneration Clinic in Alpharetta with Dr. Bergeron. This included the hyperbaric oxygen tank, infrared sauna, ozone therapy, high dosage vitamin C treatments and colonics. But the most success she found was with a machine called the ST8 Light Beam Generator or lymphatic drainage machine. Specifically the ST8 which is a very powerful model, utilizing ozone. It wasn't until she began treatments with lymphatic drainage that she began to see the lymph nodes as well as the thyroid gland itself begin to shrink.
this last link is the most definitive explanation of how illness functions and how the light beam generator interrupts that destructive cycle
Unfortunately, Andrea exhausted her savings, before she could see more permanent results from the Light Beam Generator. Her cancer had regressed steadily for the few months she had access to the LBG and unfortunately, since Andreas treatments have stopped, the cancer has progressed. Her wish is to continue treatments with Dr Bergeron and to own her own Light Beam Generator permitting treatments at home. It is much more cost effective and in this way she can even offer the treatments to others who find themselves in need of it’s benefits.
This is the first way we are reaching out for Andrea, as we will continue to become more aware of other opportunities to make her fight for life an undisputed victory. So many have already reached out to her and she is truly touched and appreciative of the genuine kindness found abundant in our amazing crew.
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