Derek profile picture


Good Times are the Best Times!!!

About Me

To whom ever:You can find me on the lake, fishing, skiing, ect or at work making that money to go fishing. You might catch me downtown taking it easy, but I'll always be with my friends. Loyalty is my friendship and class is my lifestyle.To the Gents:Fishing isn't the most important thing in life, but about everything else mankind values I consider equally important, it's just that fishing is way more fun. However, I do love going out and having a good time, and hanging out with friends. I'm not very prone to to get hammered but definitely chill. Of course there are those times when everyone has to cut loose.To the Ladies:I beleive I'm here to have fun and live life! Never a dull moment and laughs are as abundant as the breaths in your body. I don't know why, but consider myself semi-shy yet crazy unshy in certain instances. Which is probably why I've had two girlfriends since high school. Or maybe it's because I listen to people saying "don't go looking for love let it find you"...I running out of time!!! Forget that! So here I am, probably too honest, but nevertheless I'm here, on the market...where you at chicas?

My Interests

DUH...Fishin n Women

I'd like to meet:

Is that one classy lady-friend that ends up being my soul mate. I would also like to meet: more people that have the same outlook and goals that I have, more of the Bass Pros, and when I die I would finally like to meet Jesus face to face.


COUTRY, COUNTRY, and GOOD MUSIC of any genre as long as it's happy, good time, fun, loving...nevermind all that just GOOD music.


ACTION and COMEDY. Movies that cost a lot to make or at least show a surreal lifestyle (for more goals).


CSI is about all I have time for. Get outside and do something or meet somebody.


Yeah right, you won't catch me at Starbucks staring away.


My brother which serves the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS in Iraq right now. My other brother, which actually graduated from LSU. My parents, that always love me more than I have even comprehinded yet; as I get older, the more clear I see how they have chosen to love me.