RONNI profile picture


You must acquire the trick of ignoring those who do not like you. In my experience, those who do not

About Me

Johnny Depp/Tim Burton Interview! If you play it, go down and turn volume off on music so you can hear!
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I'm an actress/comedian, (sketch, improv, stand up, sit down, lay down, fall down etc.) living in L.A. I do all forms of comedy and love theatre, television and film. I'm married to a wonderfully sweet and caring hottie who is my best friend and soul mate. I have a great son who's the best kid in the world too! Besides those two men in my life I have two male cats, Boot and Whittles. When I'm busy not making money as an actress, I'm busy not making money as a comedian and so in my spare time I like to dive in the couch cushions for spare change. I'm a fun loving red head who is the friend who will make you laugh and convince you to have one more drink or blow your diet! I'm also in the LA cast of Sopranos Last Supper and Joey&Maria's Comedy Italian Wedding. Please check out my new website and sign my guest book!

Arty Kid
Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique.
You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented! Who Were You In High School?

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My Interests

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Dolphins, Movies, writing, acting, comedy also anything that can be done from my couch, i.e., watching TV, playing Playstation2, cuddling with my hubby, watching movies and eating takeout. I'm into comedy stand up, Sketch and improv. I'm interested in knowing why people who have no self esteem have to bring down those of us who are lucky enough to have self esteem or who have worked hard to get self esteem. I'm also interested in dreams and the dream work of Carl Jung.

I'd like to meet:

Mo'nique. I think she's a GREAT stand up comedian and actress representin' the big sexy girls! I'd also like to meet Adrien Brody because I've been a fan of his since I saw him in "Summer of Sam" he's a great actor and seems like a really nice person. Lastly I'd like to meet the sick son of a bitch who decided that there needed to be a size "double zero" and all the skinny chicks that can fit into those double zeroes so I can give 'em all a sandwich and a reality check!
You are Lucille Ball! You are an amazing, charming, charasmatic women who makes everybody laugh! You lock people under your spell, and they are enchanted by you. You are a beautiful, classy comedian.

Courtesy of


My taste in music varies in decades and in styles. I love Elvis but 70's Elvis not early Elvis, Al Green, Etta James, Funk, especially Zapp, Duran Duran, Motley Crue, Van Halen, 30 seconds to Mars, Chris Cornell solo and when he was in Sound Garden and now Audio Slave. Let's see I love NoDoubt, Pink, Barbara Streisand. The Ozzman, both in Black Sabbath and solo Ozzy Rules! Still going here...I LUV WHITESTARR!
I LOVE Rock especially 70's rock, 80's glam rock and heavy metal. I like old school jams, some rap, mostly old school rap (although I do like the old school rap like Kurtis Blow and Sugar Hill Gang)even though the majority of rap songs derive their beats FROM the old school jams. And currently I'm really into Amy Winehouse! She is just a refreshing twist on bluesy rock abilly soul, a cross between Etta James and Pink.

Tom Petty

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Here we could go on for days but I'll try and narrow it down as much as I can:ANYTHING WITH JOHNNY DEPP!
Summer of Sam, The Jacket, The Pianist, King Kong, Swingers, Slingblade, Chicago, GoodFellas, Punchline, Grease, Grease 2, Taxi Driver, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Edward Scissorhands, Pirates of the Carribean, Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween Resurrection, Friday the 13th, Friday the 13 part 11 and III, The Exorcist, Jeepers Creepers, A Chorus Line, Jaws, Rocky (everyone except Rocky V) Born on the Fourth of July, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Ferris Buellers Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Vacation, Christmas Vacation, Jurassic Park, Twister, Mummy, Mummy Returns, Sleepers, Scream, Rain Man, Prom Night, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Godfather I & II, Toy Story, BirdCage, Awakenings, Midnight Run, okay I've got to stop or else I'll be here all night listing a hundred more movies!



Arrested Development, Desperate Housewives, Lost, ER, Malcolm in the Middle, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Trading Spouses and Wife Swap, Dog The Bounty Hunter, American Idol, America's Funniest Home Videos, America's most wanted, reruns of Seinfeld and I Love Lucy, Bernie Mac, My Wife and Kids, Mad TV, Saturday Night Live, Showtime at the Apollo.


Anything by Greg Herriges and/or Steven King! Also I read a lot of books on Lucille Ball, Marilyn Monroe, acting books, books by Syd Fields, Comics Lives, Truth in Comedy, books on comedy. I also just read Toxic Parents--not comedy LOL! Every week I read Backstage West and Variety. My fav book of all time is "The Catcher in the Rye". Currently I'm reading, "The Winter Dance Party Murders"

by Greg Herriges


My couch!
But seriously there are four men in my life who are my hereos, my wonderful son, my loving husband, who's my biggest supporter, and my agent Jaime Ferrar and my manager Richard DeLancy who always treat me like I'm already a star!

My Blog

Free Headshots

Just because something is free doesn't mean it's necessarily a good thing!   Some headshots are free because someone is starting out and needs practice or needs to build their portfolio and/...
Posted by RONNI on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 05:52:00 PST

Showcase tonight!!!!

Tonight's the big night!  I'm so excited! I barely got any sleep last night.  Poor Dale, I kept him up last night with my tossing and turning.  He kept telling me I needed my sleep beca...
Posted by RONNI on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 08:44:00 PST

Right now...

I am sitting at the free computers at the Starbucks on the Warner Bros. Studio lot killing time before my callback for the George Lopez Show.  I'm an hour early and the casting office is rig...
Posted by RONNI on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:56:00 PST

NBC/Universal Actors Showcase

A lot of my "Non-Universal Tour Guide" friends keep asking me what all the congrat comments are about.  Well I made it into the Universal Studios showcase.  Around 70 tour guides auditions a...
Posted by RONNI on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:34:00 PST

Top 24 and Six Flags!

Today I finally made a top 24 for my myspace page without getting booted off or shut down before I saved it! LOL!   There's no particular order but I definately liked the idea of a...
Posted by RONNI on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 07:48:00 PST

Pirates of the Carribbean 2-Dead Man's Chest

Saw it last night and LOVED IT!!!!  If you haven't seen it yet get yer ass out there and go--NOW!  And stay and watch all the credits until the end for a funny bonus scene.  =) &nb...
Posted by RONNI on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 03:27:00 PST

I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!

Well to all my friends who have been waiting to hear and also have been such a great support to me during these past 3 weeks of training...YAY I DID IT!   I am officially a Universal Studios...
Posted by RONNI on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 06:09:00 PST

Orientation and ice cube trays

Today was my orientation for Universal Studios.  We were there from 10-5pm but it went by really quick!  The guys giving the orientation were really funny which helped especially when you're...
Posted by RONNI on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 06:46:00 PST