~~don't open, im a bomb!!!~ profile picture

~~don't open, im a bomb!!!~

you wanna chat with me??? add me up at [email protected], c yah all!!!

About Me

aDvEntUrOus, sOmeTimEs I luV beIng iN a ComPliCaTed SiTuaTioN.. sOmeTimeS i wAnt tO b AlOne..But MosT oF d TimE i LiKe 2 HaVe fUn w/mY FaMilY & fRiEndz, i AlwAys fInd WaY & tImE 2 gO oUt & tRavEl (tHat iS mY OnLy! peRo maGasTos n "biSyo"), b4 I lUv GimiKs & niTeLyf bUt nOt AnyMoRe, i Juz lYk 2 SpeNd mOst oF mY tiMe taKinG cArE oF mY sOn, i ReallY hAtE pErSonS wHo aRe DePenDent & SpEndInG thEir TimE dOin'NotHin'..4 mE.. "TiMe Is GoLD"..LyF iS sHorT so mAke d moSt of iT !!!! ciAo...

My Interests

travelling, reading, watching DVD, internet, having a massage

I'd like to meet:

oLd fReNdz, fOrMer cLaSsmAteS, bAtcHmaTes, coLleAguEs, nEw fRiEnDs oNliNe, i want 2 be someone's last call of the night and his first thought in the morning... i want those five-hour conversations that end in "No you hang up first.." i want the heart-rating-racing, palm-sweating, what's-gonna-happen next moments... i want the hugs that he never wants to let go of and the stolen kisses that are always the sweetest... But most importantly, i want someone i can think of as mine and mine alone...Forever...


R&B, p0p, ballad, OPM, Acoustic..senti songs


A walk in a clouds, A walk 2 remember,Matrix,Speed , Maid in Manhattan, Fools Rush In, 5th Element, how to lose a guy in 10 days, chasing liberty, 50 first dates, princess diary


..ary shows..


Sydney Sheldon books, BOB Ong BOoks


Jesus Christ, muh baby lance and my Mom