General Boy. He's my favorite general...
That little strumpet in the titanium skirt...or any trollop or demimonde. But, please, no demivierges. (Thanks for the tip, Bud!)
Pass along this small tribute, copy this code. At least he passed away whilst on holiday...alas! Go ahead and click on the above box and visit John Peel's tribute page (I'll put a photo in there sometime- if you've got a good one, please send it to me!).
I like my friends ("a drink fer all my frens....").
Seen loads of them. I rather liked some of them. Some made me think, others made me want to hurl wet cats at their creators...but most are a waste of cats. No kitties were harmed by this paragraph.
Yes. I like them quite a bit. They don't play out often, do they? Pity. Don't be so shy Tom...
Yes. I own some and if the library would let me, I'd own many more. Recent good reads: "Water For Elephants"; "Flight" (Sherman Alexis); " The Boy Detective Fails"; Michael Pollack's stuff, Kurlansky's "Salt" and "Cod"; "The Wasp Factory"; "Prince of the Marshes"; Palast's stuff; "Firman"; Dr. Deffeyes' "Beyond Oil"; Ian McEwen, Tom Perrotta, T.C. Boyle, "The Invention of Hugo Cabret". But wait, there's more...Joe Bageant...Kurt Andersen...Steve Sherrill...J.Robert Lennon... Currently reading: "The World Without Us" Alan Weisman- provocative!
Yes. It's a decent Bowie album but Ziggy is better.