elisabeth rosenthal profile picture

elisabeth rosenthal

body moves, brain doesn..t know

About Me

ARTIST.In my previous artwork I have explored a broad variety of media and fields including small delicate drawings, sculptures in textiles, set design, costume and large scale wall drawings. For future projects I decided to focus on performance in connection with sculptures. At any given exhibition I want those new sculptures to be seen as intrinsically linked to me as an active artist, and simultaneously to be active themselves. I therefore deploy theatrical means and an alter ego, a persona with the appearance of a female sailor named Sailor - Single. I regard this as ‘performative tools’, which are applicable to various situations and sites. Most importantly this enables me to take it on journeys and work outside the studio. This is a deliberate decision.I spent nearly every day working in my studio for the last five years. I wondered how to produce art and gain life experience at the same time...

My Interests

www.galeriemandy.de, www.klassebrandmeier.de,www.zeigdeinekunst.de, www.kunstknall.de,(http://www.kunstknall.de/public/user/benu tzer/view.php?bid=305)My own webpage soon. "Sailor - Single", Performance, Elisabeth Rosenthal, 03/2008
..*********************my quotes collection. Some are real, me or or others said it, some I made up: "Black president is so cooooool"*****daily news against realityshows****Trink was, Sohn. Irgendwas Gutes muß man ja haben vom Leben.****So, why don..t you get out your credit cards and call us now******Blackwater ok...!?****No! earth is just 6000 years old.*****Nein! Die Erde ist erst 6000 Jahre alt.*****I..s a bomb! Duck and cover!****An old man forgot what to do with food on his plate one day. He played around with it. So it seemed. The nurses got the good idea to give that man two meals with two plates everyday. From one plate he eats his food now. On the other plate he works as a clockmaker, which was his profession many years ago. *****She makes mistakes but is funny*****Body moves, brain doesn..t know.*******Today I did something what I might understand by tomorrow*******some people you thought to be dead are just married******Diviningrods look like catapults****She..s looking like one who..s reading more books than she..s eating food****Acis & Galatea by G. Friedrich Haendel playback**** "This pet must go in to the washingmachine.""But it will drown." ****** Go on smoking my cigarette. I..m gonna role me an other one anyway.*******She told me I was beautiful******For love I go everywhere.*****Today I set on a chair for one hour.completely overwhelmed, cause I had to think so much*****He..s my knight with the sad look upon his face....and I..m the one with the chastitybelt.****Next I..m gonna wear my tits on my head, so everyone can see it.****He loves his last spring, she loves his care****Who wants to do laundry on a day like that anyway****Why actually you want to have two pieces of cakes when you can have the whole gateau-thing.****„If she doesn..t see us, we can snog“****Financial and sexual exploitation*****I don..t care if you sleep in my bed or on the sofa****"What you..re reading?""It..s "What can I do against me."Don..t be affraid to feel*****But just ONE time!****This silly story doesn..t tell it..s alternative**** The fisrt thing I saw when I was a child were..nt swallows but parachutists*****First try of a summary****REDlight at the end of the tunnel****Befürworter des Siechtums****Oma häkelte sich ihren Trabbi zusammen****1991 hat sie ihren Trabbi bekommen, ist aus der Ausfahrt des Autohauses raus, wußte nicht mehr wie man fährt und hat ein vorbeifahrendes Fahrzeug gerammt; TOTALSCHADEN, Fahrzeugerlaubnis weg****Zwillen sehen aus wie Wünschelruten****Er ist mein Ritter mit dem traurigen Angesicht****Nicht mehr ansprechen, Nicht mehr einladen, Nicht mehr anschauen, Nicht mehr hingehen, Nicht mehr drandenken****„Und die Matrone soll singen können?!“****„Mich könn.. ma alle!“****„Du bist der coolste Mann von der ganzen Schule“****„Es ist schön zu sehen, wenn die jungen Menschen von der Straße geholt werden.“****Stumpf und betäubt einfach die ganze Bar abschleppen****Über eine, die auszog das Affären zu lernen****Ich werde über Dein Angebot nachdenken****„Du kannst aber auch bei mir schlafen.“****Hart durchgreifen und immer konsequent bleiben****Hermes hat heute keine Post****„Darf ich in deinen Armen einschlafen?“****Bei der nächsten Fatamorgana dreh.. ich durch****Meine Prinzipien erlauben mir den Stoß aber nicht****Du hast den phallischen Blick. Ich fühle mich geschmeichelt.Das muß dir genügen****Beim lovefishing gestern geile Flunder gesehen****„Wir können ja mal was trinken gehen.“****„Wann denn?“ „Irgendwann.“ „Also nicht.“****„Na warum fängst du denn nicht einfach was mit der an?!“****„Wie geht..s eigentlich unserem Hasen?“ „Frisst sich selbst“****Deine Mama kommt nicht wieder. Die hat zu viele Drogen Genommen und ist jetzt ganz anders****Er liebt den letzten Frühling, sie seine Führsorglichkeit****Auf tote Daxe schießen, die im Fluss rumdampern****

I'd like to meet:

artists, writers, dancers and architects I love very much and can work with.....my big love, bush junior to kick his ass...Coffee with Angela Merkel, Marina Abramovic, Michael Craig Martin, Anish Kapoor, glass of wine with kate bush, Anna Magnani if she was still alive. She..s dead for over 30 years. Can..t believe. visiting louise bourgeois hopefully one day, someone who keeps my office in order...my personal filmcameraman that is a good friend also.


Moloko,Kate Bush, Mars Volta, Jeff Buckley, Anthony, coco rosie, Jazz, some of the blues, Billie Holiday, motown, fiona apple, 80th, 40th, Anita O..day, Andrew Sisters,90th, Ace of Base because it..s fun, Bulgarian-, Russian choirs, pink floyd, Shakespearsisters, hedwig and the angry inch, Amy Winehouse, ratatat, jenny wilson, feist, led zepelin, Anna Maria Scholz life, Holly Cole, Lotte Lenya-Kurth Weill-Brecht, Tom Waits, Chaka Khan, Aretha Franklin, Faure, SCHOSTAKOVITSCH, Schumann, Händel, Vivaldi, Baldassare Galuppi, Rachmaninonov...all the Russians basically, J.S.Bach, Robert Schumann, Bela Bartok, Aziza Mustafa, early Bette Midler as a mermaid in a wheelchair telling Sophie Tucker Jokes? bette<Divine Miss M Tribute to Johnny
holly cole


the hours with meryl streep and nickykiddy; peter greenaway, all these "horrible" italian movies; pane e tulipane (Brot und Tulpen), Roma Citta Apperta and The Rose Tatoo; Stadt der Frauen and guilietta degli spiriti, all by Fellini; La Strada by fellini, La Dolce Vita; trio infernale with romy schneider; short cuts; howards end, coffee and cigarettes, adaption, lars von trier, un chien andalou by Louise Bunuel, Klaus Kinski,Hellena Bonham Carter, Schlöndorf, Die Blechtrommel, anna magnanianny,romy


social, political and philosophical themes; favorite chanels are 3-sat, arte, documantary, does internet will replace books, kids and television, who..s affraid of america (docuseries), russian revolution, kids and computergames, social behavior of animals, documentaries of people(natives), History, "Peepshow"“keeping up appearences“: both very brittish; great. Me and my friend Johannes love to watch this together.


art/architechture/foto/dance magazines; arthistorical books; sartre:Ekel(nausea), Oscar Wilde, Franz Kafka, Ricarda Huch, Heinrich Böll, Christa Wolf:Kassandra, Der geteilte Himmel, Erzählungen



My Blog

"Sailor - Single", Performance, 03-2008

"Sailor  Single"Performance von Elisabeth Rosenthal, 03-2008Dauer: ca. eine StundeVier Männer tragen eine mannshohe Kiste in einen Raumund stellen sie mittig im Raum ab.Wie lange die Kiste so stehen ...
Posted by elisabeth rosenthal on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 03:40:00 PST

"Sailor & Tranny", Juli 2008

Elisabeth RosenthalSailor & TrannySkulpturen/Performance, me as alter ego Sailor  SingleDauer: ca: 45 MinutenPerformancebeschreibungIn dieser Performance gibt es neben meinem alter ego Sailor...
Posted by elisabeth rosenthal on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 08:32:00 PST

The Swing, The Cat and The Pomegranate

Hey peeps, I..m writing sometimes...and not too bad. This here is my first story in English. Finished it yesterday. Have fun or not.Elisabth.The Swing, The Cat and The PomegranateI pick up the phone a...
Posted by elisabeth rosenthal on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 12:15:00 PST

Statement zum künstlerischen Werdegang, August 2008

Meine künstlerische Arbeit bewegte sich bisher in viele Richtungen. Hauptschwerpunkte liegen auf kleinen, filigranen Zeichnungen, Stoffskulpturen, Bühnenbild, Kostüm und Wandmalerei in Form von großfo...
Posted by elisabeth rosenthal on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 01:45:00 PST

Rosenthal & Sailor - A Portrait, Juni 2008

Ein Mal im Jahr bin ich verliebt. Gegen das Gewöhnliche was folgt hilft das Übliche. Normalerweise Vergessen. Das dauert in der Regel ein halbes Jahr und allein einzusehen, dass Vergessen das Beste is...
Posted by elisabeth rosenthal on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 01:39:00 PST