Chasing squirrels, chasing cats (except when they turn and fight, and then I'm cowed and run like a chicken), playing tug of war, playing keep away so I don't have to play fetch, drinking muddy water, riding in cars, eating dog biscuits, and scratching myself.
Other cats and dogs, as well as people interested in Richmond West's writings.
I listen to Richmond's silly songs about how great a dog I am. He rocks.
I never have watched any.
Sometimes Richmond will let me sit on the sofa when he watches TV, but only when his father's not there. Frankly, I don't see the attraction--it's just colored lights and sounds to me.
I've never read any. But I star in The Deviants and plan to be back in the sequels Deviants Too, Reign of Deviance, and Deviant Dawn.
Richmond West (of course). And his father. I also pee whenever I see his brother, Steve West, who first got me and gave me to Richmond.