ART BY GABE WOLFF OF INFAMOUSEmotionally, the color red can impact people outside of the conventional feelings of love or anger. My work has the ability to draw out these different emotions in people. I use red to communicate the power of ideas and enhance the colors around it. Red is not an easy color to look at and I am proud to use it to push my work to the edge.It is important to combine different cultures, eras, emotional content and beliefs together, because they are all of equal significance to me. I use this combination to open my mind and encourage the manifestation of random thought within my work. The vision that this creates is tied together with a common color: red.The red that I have chosen is my secret, my passion, and my muse. Each piece of art that I produce has this idea in it and I strive to make this idea a reality, not only for myself, but for my audience as well. To me, the color red is life.
I would like to meet people interested in the arts.My Kidz Kick ASS
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Young Jay Grandmas Boy and Fezz by Gwaby of Wolff Studio