Nawa Shibari Chicago profile picture

Nawa Shibari Chicago

...where rope lovers gather...

About Me

Nawa Shibari: ‘Shibari’ means to tie and ‘Nawa’ means rope, combined they mean ‘Rope Bondage’Nawa Shibari Chicago : A Monthly Educational Rope Meeting & Munch For Rope Riggers & Rope Captives. Novice & Experienced are welcome.Hosted by Miss Jaded, Descara, & The Continuum Dungeon.December Nawa Shibari Events:
Wednesday February 20th: Nawa Shibari-Chicago Meeting
Nawa Shibari Chicago meets for a meeting & a munch on a monthly basis.What's a munch? (The first Wednesday of every month) A meal with like minded people gathering with the commonality of rope bondage. Novice or experienced, its always a good time. You are expected to cover your tab. 21+What does the meeting entail? (The third Wednesday of every month) Each month's meeting we bring you a new presenter & a new skill to be shared with the group. We will gather at 7pm & the meeting will begin promptly at 7:30pm and will go until 9pm. At 9pm, those that wish to stay & play, practice or mingle, may do so for an additional 2 hrs. Meetings take place at The Continuum Dungeon. Meeting Donation: $20/person per month. 18+What does this group offer to experienced practitioners? Teach or participate, meet other rope lovers, & help others learn; you may pick up a new skill afterall! If there's enough attendence to split the meeting into two groups, we will divide according to skill level to offer something for all.I have a class to teach, what do I do? Send an email to [email protected] with your basic info, experience, and what you would like to teach. Specify what months you are available in the future and we’ll fit you in! Thanks!If you're interested in participating, please join our yahoo group for all updates and additional information:
Visit our new website,
Click to join nawashibarichicago

My Interests

Shibari, Rope Bondage, Hemp, MFP, Jute, Hogties, Rope Cuffs, Immobilization, Nawa Shibari, Bondage, Rope Corsets, Suspension, Semi-Suspension, Static, Chest Harness, Bamboo Sticks, Box Tie, Face Bondage, Nose hooks, Predicament Bondage, Crab Ties, Tortes Shells, Rope Gags, Overnight Bondage, Resistance Play, Spiritual Bondage, Torture Ties, Knots, Turns, Wraps and Twists!

I'd like to meet:

Rope Lovers, Bondage Captives, Rope Riggers, Tops, Bottoms, Lifestyle Players, Fetish Models, Pro-Dom/mes, Rope Sluts, Self-Bondage Captives, & anyone interested in Shibari.

My Blog

Wednesday 2/20 : Nawa Shibari-Chicago: Predicament Bondage

Wednesday February 20thNawa Meeting"An evening to Meet :: Learn :: Play"featuring the teachings of: Curt of Chicago, IL (former organizer & host of Whiplash Chicago fetish nigh...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:51:00 PST

NawaShibari-Chicago 2008 Resolutions :: Achieve Your Goal : Four 2008 New Year Resolutions and Four Ways We Can HelpCheck out the new site, link the banner to!...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 11:22:00 PST

Wednesday 1/16: Nawa Shibari Chicago Meeting feat. Graydancer & Leon Grossman

Click on the flyer for more informationxxxMiss Jaded...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 09:57:00 PST

Preview the New & Improved :

:: NAWASHIBARI-CHICAGO.COM ::where rope lovers gatherThe NEW NawaShibari-Chicago site is almost finished....the sneak peak is now up with current meeting info!More to follow shortly!Check it out.....P...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 07:21:00 PST

Wednesday 12/19: ’Gift Wrapping 101’ w/ Ms Simone, PLUS UPDATES!

ATTENTION: November's Nawa Shibari Chicago Meeting is canceled.  We will meet at the next munch on December 5th.Wednesday 12/19: Nawa Shibari Chicago MeetingJust in time for the holidays, Ms Simo...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 02:07:00 PST

Wednesday 11/7 : Nawa Shibari Chicago Munch

Nawa Shibari Chicago Munch / Wednesday November 7, 2007Twisted Spoke / 501 N Ogden (Ogden & Grand)  Chicago, ILTime: 7pm - ?? / Novice & Experienced Welcome / 21+Nawa Shibari Chicago is C...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 05:25:00 PST

Tonight’s Nawa Shibari Meeting Cancelled 10/17

I'm sorry to be the one to announce this, however, tonight's meeting is canceled.  The future status of the group is unknown. Since the separation of Dvnt and I, there has been a non-intentional ...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:33:00 PST

Wednesday 9/19: Mistress Simone & Miss Jaded ’Exposing The Jewels’

JOIN US FOR AN EVENING OF LEARNING & PLAY!Nawa Shibari Chicago : Meet . Learn . PlaySeptember Meeting:Exposing the Jewels : Vulnerable Positions for Rope CBB & CBTPresenters: Mistress Simone &...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 01:51:00 PST


Hay Rope Lovers!... Hope to see you out this month! Start reaching for those ropes.. Yet AGAIN, Should be a BLAST!! Come Out This Wednesday AUGUST 15th Nawa Shibari Chicago Meeting NawaShib...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:12:00 PST

Last Chance to Register for ShibariCon / N.S.C. ShibariCon Pre-Party

SHIBARICON 2007 MAY 25-28, 2007 / CHICAGO, IL USA Still on the fence about attending ShibariCon 2007? There is still time to register and be a part of this awesome annual event! Don't get left out, r...
Posted by Nawa Shibari Chicago on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 01:10:00 PST