Member Since: 3/12/2005
Band Website:
Influences: Gooter Mc Gavin, Huge-e McGee, Nizzler, Sizzler, Cock a Stroodle Strood, Techy Malekee, Zahnton, Teepers, the Bva, Sal-iva Whore, Dark Hippies, Poo n Boone, Slimin and Narfunkle, Ronnison, the Hound, Unkle Monkle, Mooseknuckle, Spruce Goose Knuckle, Mrs. Belgrave, Zappatine, Btard, Hammer Time, the Rolling Stoners, Fancy Buns, Chest Buns, Rear Buns, Side Buns, Pork Buns, Sticky Buns, Cinnamin Buns, I guess you can say all of the buns above, Fancy Pork, Scrambled Eggs, Bong Rip, Weirdle, Beardhole, O dog, the Butt Rock, T bag, Fusshole, Thrilly Marilly, Honey Bunches of Psy, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, Regan, Ravey Dizzler, the Rizzler, Daddy Dim Sum, Mer Mer, Atheen, Jahovee Covey, and his better half, Hornsay, Charnold, Rarn Barn, Barni Bascal, Mickeylickalotadick, Narni Krockit, Dirty Boone, Chappedrearo, Millivanilli, Quaker Oats biatch, the Green Truck, E-line, Drip Kit, Poly, 1C7mp, PVC, Blind Melon, Pink Floyd, and the list just keeps going.
Sounds Like: DIRT....... Deep, Dark, Earthy, Heavy, Chunky........ Monkey? :~())
Record Label: Cymbalic / Omniscient Records
Type of Label: Indie