My Profile on IMDB
i work as a freelance camera assistant .
when i am not busy, i like to peruse this website or this one
i am the software pirate of SS Ghost Guts.
i don't trust people who don't have scars.
i would much rather hang out with the help.
i like children, i just can't eat a whole one by myself.
i have a lazy eye, and a slow brain.
if you take that bus, you'll get there.
i have a clown's nose hanging from the frame of my favorite photograph, and that fucker's not getting it back.
ALL signs in life are mere suggestions. obey accordingly!
i smile... a lot. i am easily amused by the absurdity of life.
sometimes i leave random comments on people's journals.
i like the moment when you first hear a song and it blows your fucking mind. i also like the moment when you realize you've heard a song for the 100th time and it still blows your fucking mind.
i like chickens.
i am a hopeless romantic. i just don't need to see it in every movie.
i think the world would be a much better place if it was covered in murals.
i have a penchant adoration for redheads.
i generally like the look, but rarely the lifestyle or the personality.
i like people. i swear, i really do.
i wear headphones from the moment i leave my house until i walk in the front
door. my therapist says it is less likely i will kill people this way.
i tapdance in the rain wearing bloomers, and by bloomers i mean hoodie, and by tapdance i mean splash in puddles.
i am allergic to small talk and plastic things.
i am entirely more cynical than this 'profile' alludes.
i think sarcasm is an overused humor and has lost most of its potency
oh ....and i like good whiskey and sleeping when i can.
SAVE YOUR SOUL: Listen to Bill Hicks
i just really like this song... a lot.
**turn this shit up loud!!**