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The Rain I Bleed formed in November 2007 when T.R.I.B.’s mastermind Mina G. accidentally met Johan, The Rain I Bleed’s bassist and together started building the final line up. Then, Nodas T. and Max.T joined this musical journey and after a few days Spyro Tserke and Alex were the last that joined T.R.I.B. and strengthened this team. A bunch of talented humans is created. They are here to express feelings through music and music through feelings.
Until The Rain I Bleed became a band, it was started as a "one woman project" by composer/pianist/singer Mina G. , a well educated musician with a big bio and degrees in music.
Nowadays The Rain I Bleed record their debut album and rehearse for doing some live appearances soon. Mina also recorded all the vocal arrangements in the experimental progressive rock project named Karmic Link of the well-promised musician Stathis Kassios (x-Nightfall, member in System Shock).
[email protected]