The mission of Accentuate Services is to ACCENTUATE your project; provide exceptional customer service; provide information, resources, coaching, and training; support authors, both new and published; encourage writers and writing, and foster a love for the art and power of the written word, for readers and writers alike.
Accentuate Services believes every project starts as a vision or dream. We believe all projects are intensely personal and unique to the individuals involved. We also believe every dream deserves the chance to be realized.
To that end, we coach and encourage authors of all skill levels to follow their dreams to become a writer, published or not, professional or hobby, and realize that dream, whatever their vision is.We'd like to meet anyone who is serious about the passion and the craft of writing and creating a vision to follow their dreams.
Accentuate Services can write lyrics, poetry, and other prose for adaptation to your existing music. We also assist with orchestration and sheet music creation. Contact us for more information on this service.
Accentuate Services expert author, Michelle L Devon , can take your novel and adapt it for screenplay/script. For more information, visit Accentuate Services and get a free screenplay adaptation quote today!
Accentuate Services expert author, Michelle L Devon , can take your novel and adapt it for screenplay/script for a made for television movie submission. For more information, visit Accentuate Services and get a free screenplay adaptation quote today!
You can buy Michelle L Devon's published books by clicking the pictures below.
Just a Few of
Michy's Published
Editing Projects
Fair Tale Wedding, by Natasha Usher
Whispered Dreams, by Olivia Faulkner
The Ex Factor, Anderson, et al (anthology)
Never Be Lied to Again, by David J. Lieberman
Keeper of the Flame, by Catherine Chase
Paradoxical Love, by Ronald Hempill
Rollin', by Ronald Hemphill
Redemption, by Morgan LeShay
Boundless Love, by Jarod Lojeck
Any writer who understands the passion of the craft and can move the masses with the power of the written word.