I've suffered ADD since childhood. My mom took me off Ritilin in 6th Grade and by 9th I was a blackout drinker. I walked a slow downhill spiral through the ARMY and 10 years of Chirstianity (I thought), and marraige. My father died of alcoholism in 1992 and the slope got steeper. My mom and four other relatives died in 1994 and I hit ice. In 1997 my 14 year marraige was over (my own fault), and I slid off a cliff and found a quick decent into a dark and painful chasm. There were some spots in the depths where the some light still reached me. Although we were done, my first wife promoted my relationship with our son, for which I will always be grateful. My 2nd wife, my children and step-children were bright spots, but everywhere else was darkness (even if I didn't know it. My heart tried to give out and my 2nd wife thankfully ignored my desire to stop at a bar on the way and got me to a hospital where I detoxed. That was 2002.So far, by God's grace relapse has not been part of my program. During my outpatient recovery program I found God had been waiting patiently for me the quinisential prodigal son. I tossed all the years of Sit and Soak Christianity and opted for a very stripped down model. I still have a long way to go, but God is bringing me closer and closer to Him.If you stuck in addiction, and want to talk to someone without condemnation, let me know. I've probably done worse. ..
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