Yo. My name's Jason.
I'm 6'0" tall and weigh 165lbs. I have dark blonde hair. My eye color usually differs from day to day, but it's always either blue, green, gray, or hazel.
I have many interests and my two major goals in life are to try as many things as possible and to get as much money as possible. (Some of my harder goals are to learn how to read minds, to grow wings so I can fly, to learn to communicate with fish, and to fall in love. Unfortuantely only one of those is even remotely possible and that would be the one about learning to communicate with fish.) Of all my interests, I love skating, art, videogames, partying, and music the most.
I have two families that have been playing tug o' war with Jessi, Jake, and me all my life. Jessi and Jake are my sister and brother who live in Colorado. I also have two brothers from California named Jeffy and Bobby. My family is very important to me and they all probably take priority over you.
I'm often told I'm:
-very weird
-really nice
I moved to Sunnyvale, California last year and I'll start college this year. I don't know many people here so I'm actually looking forward to it. It will be way easier to make friends then. I'm way cooler than most people. Especially you.
Hit me up. Unless you suck.