gETtIn Paid in FuLL, bUrNin iT dOwn, MakiN MuSic, fReeStyLiNg, ChiLLiN hOmE wAtChiN a GooD mOviE n Gettin iT in, Orrrrrrrrrrrrr GettIn MoNey eArLy n gOing HoMe tO gEt it iN tHen buRn iT Down AfTerwards DuRiNg A gOod mOvIe....then sending her home so i can make some music =) didnt think i was gonna forget my music now did ya? cmon now gotta stay focused haha
buT besides All that.. stAyin bUsy n Out Of thE eYEs of FivE-O..maRtiAL aRts, bOoks, mOney, sHoOting RangEs, GALAXY White tees, MeEzfReSh tEez, GriNdin.. sNeaKers, fiTtEd hAts, a fEmaLeS h!p2wAiSt rAtiO.. gotta have the face tho..ya know eYez LiPz .. rEaL ppL. Rico Tv Presents Ridermen Mike Meez
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YounG B.i.G. GettiN it iNn!
RZA, S. Carter, Baby.....A&Rs... Beatmakers & ProDuCers..a chick that practice tAi cHi n stIll cAn bUy wEeD
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****LISTEN 2 MY MUSIC AT **** EvEr SinCe i StARtEd rEcOrDiNG wit mY sQuAd i ReALiZed that i dont really like ThAt mANy Famous Rappers aNd thAt im NiCeR.. but i GIvE CrEdIt whErE cReDit is due Not in this order 1. JigGa JaYz 2. 2pac 3. Biggie 4.Jadakiss 5. Wutang Clan 6. Big Pun 7. Big L 8. Eminem 9. LLoyd Banks & Fabolous 10. Peedie cRakk, LiL WeEzy, & YouNg ChRiS fRom the Young GUnzThEn yoU goT all that GeT fReaky MusiC reggae and reggaeton and then that rasta smoke ganja music, but anything cool wit me if it sound hot n got meaning.. i been to 2 aerosmith concerts no lying .. width="425" height="350" ....
SCARFACE, carlito's way, THE GOONIES, monster squad, THE LAST DRAGON (wiT thE BruCe LeEroY gLoW), Ben sTiLLeR mOvIeS, FRIDAY, HoW High, NeXt FriDay, Juice, Friday After NeXt, bAby Boy, BRONX TALE, Donnie BrAsco, BrEaKin, tHe WaRRiOrs, ScArY movie 1-3, KIDS, fReSh, HALF BAKED, BeLLy, mad ShIt.. bAsiCaLLy Gangster Flicks, Funny Ass Bug OuT moViEs, and some scAry moViEs foR whEn you WiT a Lady fRiEnD =) WHY girls Shouldnt Be ShMuTBuCkEts on the IntErNet
CHAPPELLE SHOW, real world, inferno, BET uncut =), FAMILY GUY, SpoRtScEnTer..dont really watch tv that much.. i like to be on the move ..
The Art of War(which i consistently read and strategize from), MONSTER (by OG Eight Tray Gangsta Crip Monster Kody Scott...shit is reallll), Wutang Book 1 (by the RZA) all of the Lord of the Rings (i read them before the movies came out), and the classic throwback...GoOsEbuMpS.. ( must have read every single one when i was little..) yeah i know im a bOokwOrm but i'll pRolly fuck u up ;)ThiS my hOmeguRl tHAt b hOokin my Shit uP aLL tHe TiME.. sExy AiNT sHE? tOo bAd you Cant sEe it buT sHe goT thE fAtttttTttttttty toO... luV ya GiRL!
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? wAtEr
Beverage (alc) ? hEnnEsSy & gRey GoOse
Color ? gReeN Red bLaCk WhiTe
Food ? sPaNiSh, ChiNiTo, SoUL,iTaLiAn...sHit iM tHe EtHiOpIan of thiS Sh!t i StaYs hUnGry
Item of clothing ? sUmMerS eVe tHis iS aLL i nEed..cRiSp whiTe Tee, WiFey, bAg a ThE wEed..
Meal of the day ? dInNer... tHats wHen NiGgaz gEt at tHe rOUnD tAbLe n BrEak bReAd
Feature on yourself ? pLain n SimPle sMiLe n Aim a DimPLe..haha
Quality in a guy/girl ? gOtta have a ill FaCe.. cRaZy DonkEy..knOws hoW to Chill n BuRn it DoWn.. cOOk a niKKa a MeAl or suTtin
Phrase ? mOney oVer BitChEs
Song ? GAC- sALute ThE GeneRalz
Musical Artist/Band ? GAC
Sport ? hIgh sTakEs hOuSe of HoOps evEry ShoT iza SwOosh
Movie ? tHE laSt DrAgon
TV Show ? fAmily gUy, ReAlWoRld, BAssMeNt
Radio Station ? hOt 9-7 eVeryDay thAts my Word
Type of Chocolate ? fRenCh vAniLLa, BuTtEr pEcAn, ChoColate dElUxe
Eye Color ? gReEn
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? piTs.. kEep a sNakE in The tAnk
Smoke ? eVery HoUr oN tHe hOur
Drink ? i StAys Lost in the SauCe
Have any piercings ? eArs
Have any tatoos ? 5
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend i WoUldnt sAy ChEating.. buT sHe wOuLd
Had sex ? nAh i Fuck
Gone streaking ? nAH
Gone skinny dipping ? nAh
Been to Europe ? nAh
Been to an island ? fO' shUrrre wA'gWoN
Had stitches ? tHe oNlY tHinG i dOnt goT is MOrE stiTcHes than You...
Broken any bones ? lol... nOt my Own
Been stabbed/shot ? mAny BanGoUts... i Be ComIn oUt fLaWlEss..miKe mUrDa niKka
Slept until after 12:00 ? yesZur
Stayed up all night ? hahHA aSk ShoRty
Danced like a whore ? imma have to QuOte Life on ThiS... "Danced wit A wHoRe" LMAO
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? .... =)
Turned down a dare ? iF iT wAs sUm duMb shIt
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? kEnny, T jOta
Is the prettiest ? i Stay wit ThEm PrEtty LaDies...
Is the most handsom ? mE mYsELf n I
Is the loudest ? rAw jU dRuNk mOde
Is the craziest ? wE All sOme aNiMaLs..
Is the most shy ? nOne ReAlly
Is the most loving ? wE All gOt LoVe fOr tHe mOvEmEnt
Is the most understanding ? wE OvErStAnd
Is the most boring ? bLaze onE on HiGh mOde.. hE bE sTaRin aT u w/ dA oNly bLaNk lOok oN hiS fAce
Is the richest ? kEv mOnEy wiT thE J.O.B... wiLLis oFf tHe fAmiLy fUnds..kStAcks cOppIn nEw cHains EvEryTiMe i See hIm
Is the most athletic ? aLL bAllErs in EvEry AsPeCt
Is the most cocky ? AfiZhu
Is the biggest sex icon ? MIKE MEEZ THE BACHELOR.. gRouPie LovE aLL dIzzAy
Is the most wordly/cultured ? i GuEss Ran Cuz hE tHink hE knOw hOw to SpEak iTaLiAn haha oR mY nIgGa ChiTowncuZ mY niGga bEen ArOUnD on SomE tRiPpLe O.G. O.G. lol... pLus tHey cAn oNly wAtch ThE nEwS lmao cAblE pRiCes aRe a BiTch aInt tHEy
Do you look up to the most ? spLiff cUz hE gOt a CaR n A jOB LMAO hold it DoWn nuKka
Do you tell everything to ? gOtta Keep SomE shIt fOr yOurSeLf
Has the best clothes ? spLiFf tYme.. mIkE mEez
Has the best house ? rAw jU.. DrE
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? mAybe
Kiss someone of the same sex ? hEll nAw
Cheat on someone you love ? nAh.. iM doNe w/ dA gAmes
Run away from home ? nAh
Lie to your parents ? iF nEed bE.. buT wHen sHit gEt fUnKy mOm duKes knOw whAt it iZ
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? mAybe..buT thEn aGaIN mAybE noT
Lie to your best friend ? nAh.. uNlEss iT waS tO kEep thEm ouTta tRouBle
Give a homeless person money ? iF hE had onE of thEm fUnny siGns Like "fuCk fOod i Need sOme wEed..aT lEast im HoNeSt"
Run from the police ? hAHah tHis sHit is NuFfin We do It All tHe tIme..
Bungee jump ? nAh
Sky dive ? cHea!
Cross dress ? nAh
Be an exotic dancer ? u aLrEady KnoW... i'll SlAp a biTch iN thE fAce wit the waNg n DeMaNd a DoLLar..shittttt
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? yEah..But i MIght lEavE a Tip sO iT dOnt lOOk sUspeCt lmao
Scuba dive ? yEah.. but ThEn AgAin i DOnt b tRuStin tHE oCean LikE tHat
Go rock climbing ? onLy if iT was LiFe or Death
Go spulunking (caving) ? mAybe
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? eHh..he aight
Bologna ? jAil
Hott ? biZzle
Orange ? bLue
Real world ? nOt 7 SeVen StrAnGers
Fuck ? mE
Jack ? jOoks
Cucumber ? wHoRes
Hip-Hop ? tiptop..
Uniform ? GEnEraL
UniCORN ! ? mYsTic
Rainbow ? hOmoz
Clown ? fUnny FaCe niGgaz
my Mother for raising a Soldier