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Excellent, Sehr Gut!

About Me

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"Rockstar" - Crystal Pistol

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My Interests

Guitars, music, camping, Castle Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, The Blood Squad Clan, guns, backpacking, Songwriting, Punk Rock Girls,

I'd like to meet:

Your MOM!


Ramones, The Clash, Rancid, GBH, The Exploited, Faster Pussycat, Billy Joe Shaver, Tom Waits, Guns & Roses, Izzy Stradlin', Shocore, Money Money, The Red Star Rebels, The Pindolls, The Divynals, Joan Jett, MOTORHEAD!


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Hurly Burly, The Jacket, Rock & Roll High School, Tae Guk Gie, Battle Royal, HARD CORE LOGO! Boxing Helena, Tron, The Love Crimes Of Gillian Guess, Downfall, Fight Club, Lars and the Real Girl


Rescue Me, Family Guy, South Park, War Docs, anything on History,


Robert Jordan, The Wheel of Time series - Jack Chalker, The Well of souls, Hard Core Logo


Terry Fox was kinda cool.