.....alright from the top of my head...*breathes* here we go... ..Food, Japanese culture, radiology, art, bowling, billards, newcastle, dogs(sorry no cats), music, attending music/comedy shows, skateboarding, Starbucks, off-roading, dancing, smirking not smiling, poetry, beaches, wrestling, streetracing, tattoos, hookah's, cooking, myths, magazines, sex, exotic and unique people, independent flicks, sex, bars, movies, ol skoo REEBOK & Saucony shoes!! sex-oh wait, i mentioned that already huh????...and of course women.
deceased members of my familia ive never known.
..not even going to start....the moment i do i'll just be rambling on and on and on.....and on and on....
...all kinds mainstream 2 independent....as long as i get a kick from watchin it.
what is a television????? what for me created television.....simpsons and family guy.....
....i only read when i must....but i enjoy writing..hmmm??????...
....hahahaha....here it goes:::.....anybody that can sneeze, cough, and fart all at the same exact tyme.....oh and of course my moms and pops....