Leslie profile picture


I have a miter saw and know how to use it!

About Me

impulsive, i think i have a dry sense of humor but that's because when i say something funny it only seems like one person laughs, oh yes did i say a little self-deprecating, i need to meet people that want to do things besides go hang out at a bar. i think i might be a closet socialist, but not paranoid enough to think that that statement won't go in MY FILE somewhere buried under 20 stories of granite rock that you can only reach by a retinal scan and a labryinth of tunnels.

Which Tim Burton character are you?
Lydia Deitz
You're such a dark, angsty teenager.

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My Interests

working on my house, movies, reading, traveling, playing with my poodles, dog sports, ELNA, LJKC, railing against the conservative agenda, demolition derbies

I'd like to meet:

someone adventurous that will learn how to rock climb with me, cheer me on even though i screw up all the time at softball, talk about movies, someone that reads books besides stephen king, someone that will say, what the hell, let's go to romania and put it all on a credit card!


i like it all but the last thing i want to do is sit around and talk about obscure garage rock bands all day


star wars, bruce lee, clash of the titans, james bond, jaws, lord of the rings, rosemary's baby


Amazing Race & Survivor. Battlestar Galactica. Seinfeld. HGTV & TLC. bad sci-fi channel movies.


lord of the rings, shogun, hemingway, updike, anita blake the vampire killer series, cormac mccarthy, michael moore, hp lovecraft, paul theroux, graham greene


Bob Vila, Jane Goodall, Al Franken, Michael Moore