When I was little I could fly profile picture

When I was little I could fly

I am here for Networking

About Me

There he goes.
One of God's own prototypes.
Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die...

*~clicking this would be a good thing~*

YES!!! quit asking me. all of the art in my "pics" section is done by me...

what happens when hate is mixed with politics

myspace, yet another example of why high school never ends.

*diary of a psychonaut*

My Interests

i like anything from electronics to rocks
shiny metal objects
physical cosmology
anything fuzzy
climbing stuff
dark matter
long hair
truvan throat singers
seemingly paranormal phenomena
quantum physics
the superstring theory
that new 500 megapixel camera
martial arts
the VMAT2 gene
bruce lee
peanut butter
Hayao Miyazaki
extreme sports
anything involving H20

I'd like to meet:


10,000 maniacs, a perfect circle, bjork, bob marley, bush, chevelle, coldplay, counting crows, cranberries, cure, daft punk, dead can dance, depeche mode, flaming lips, fleetwood mac, grandmaster flash and the furious five, grateful dead, incubus, jellyfish, led zeppelin, metallica, new radicals, nine inch nails, no doubt, oasis, orgy, pink floyd, portishead, primus, prodigy, radiohead, reveille, rush, sarah mclachlan, silverchair, smashing pumpkins, snake river conspiracy, stevie nicks, sugar hill gang, toad the wet sprocket, tom petty, tool, tori amos, tracey chapman, v.a.s.t.


Black beauty, Brick, Cell, City of god, City of the lost children, A Clockwork orange, Contact, Donnie darko, Fear and loathing in las vegas, Girl interrupted, Gummo, Hedwig and the angry inch, Lion king, Little nemo, Mean creek, Milo and otis, Mirrormask, Paradise lost: the child murders at robin hood hills, Palindromes, Practical magic, Primer, Ratcatcher, The Reflecting skin, A Scanner darkly, The Secret garden, The Sixth Sense, The Virgin suicides, Waking life, What dreams may come


discovery channel


the golden compass, who's afraid of schrodinger's cat?, SaiKano, island of blue dolphins, holly black, lucas, what happened to lani garver, brave new world, Laurie Halse Anderson, the fabric of the cosmos....


that guy who invented cheese-wiz

My Blog

the effects of psychoactives on different cultures

most people today see no possible value in the ingesting of psycoactive substances (apart from alcohol). this view differs extensively from that of cultures whom use these substances in religious prac...
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 04:21:00 PST

god, i fucking miss him

i cant believe zacks only been gone for two months. it feels like years. i dont know how i'm gonna make it till june. its incomprehensible. i cant just go one talking to him through email. i've only b...
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:14:00 PST

in suspended animation, yet still part of the machine

the person i've become is for some reason not in direct relation to my surroundings. unlike the vast majority, including zack, my path has been forged by my strong-headeded anger towards myself. our s...
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:57:00 PST

brainwave synchronization

why do some beats appeal to the mind more than others? it's not individual taste, or we wouldn't have pop music and a multi-billion dollar music industry. how can certain frequencies dictate our self...
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 07:43:00 PST

Schrodinger's cat, colorado, and a personal identity crisis

zack's gone to colorado, and i'm left here to face the world alone for the first time in 6 years. it fells wierd to have my original sense of identity back. nostalgic but unsettling. i know where my o...
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 09:47:00 PST

i'm officially selling hemp macrame jewelry

prices vary, but average for a necklace is $8. more complex macrame designs cost more, in addition to the types of beads. this is my first one:i'll add more options and details later.message me if you...
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 04:38:00 PST

my cat eats weird things

he eats any type on animal he can sink his teeth into, including your nose. he eats plastic bags (the other day he puked up a whole one). he likes virtually any type of food excpet cat food, he loves ...
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:30:00 PST

this fine social scene

i feel like a lost dog. wandering with intent and faith, but without a clue to where i am truly headed. sure, we all follow along the paths and laws of others, thinking they lead to popularity and hap...
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 01:53:00 PST

spring cleaning (myspace style)

ok so i just deleted like half of my friends b/c i didn't know them and they offered no networking opportunities. hey what can i say, i'm not here to meet friends, i'm here to sell art. if i deleted y...
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Thu, 24 May 2007 04:31:00 PST

thought of the day

when we talk about moral judgements we are really talking about the landscape of our own taboos
Posted by When I was little I could fly on Tue, 22 May 2007 01:52:00 PST