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cAn'T jUdGe A bOoK bY iTs cOvEr....U'lL nEvEr KnOw WhAt sUrPrIeS MaY CoMe wItHiN...

About Me

let's see i don't like boring ppl first of all...bcuz i get bored very easily...that's where the part of havin fun comes in...and if u already know me i can sometimes be crazy...in a good way. lol i like to try new things if it is of any interest to me. i like to meet new ppl so if u like send me a message u never know what i'll happen. I don't like to plan things i live my life day to day. traveling is something i like to do...just to be any where but here..ha ha and the most important man in my life would be my son...the only man that would never break my heart...To AlL yOu StUpId @$$ b!tche$ OuT tHeRe....
"No mAn Is wOrTh CrYiNg OvEr...AnD ThE oNe WhO iS ....WoUlDnT MaKe yOu cRy!"
"LiFe iS aLl AbOuT ReLaTiOnShIpS aNd wE ExPeRiEnCe LiFe WhEn We IntErAcT wItH oThEr PeOpLe. SoMeTiMeS gOoD, sOmEtImEs bAd - BuT AlWaYs InTeReStInG. i HaVe lEaRnEd ThAt eVeRyOnE Is iNsEcUrE aBoUt sOmEtHiNg AnD We ShOuLd rEsPeCt AnD EnCoUrAgE eAcH OtHeR tO OvErCoMe oUr fEaRs. EvErYoNe gRoWs uP EvEnTuAlLy, rIgHt?" Elusivemoon.com! Layouts, web graphics, web help and more!

My Interests

my interest i guess would be to meet ppl and just to have fun while doing it...i meet this lady and i was very intrigued by her, smart lady, has her own company and everything, but i remember i was having a bad day and just went on my space to chat with friends and i came across her, Mrs. Avalon and she quoted... "Life is all about relationships and we experience life when we interact with other people. Sometimes good, sometimes bad - but always interesting. I have learned that everyone is insecure about something and we should respect and encourage each other to overcome our fears. Everyone grows up eventually, right? - I'm an optimist."...she made me feel better bout myself, i was going through alot and she helped...so these are the types of ppl i like to meet...ones that have experienced a lot and know what to do when life or someone tries to bring u down...but my interests vary, i'm more of an outdoor person, i've been out hunting, camping, fishing which i love, riding bike,...and i like..., shooting...one of my favorites..i use to do a lot but haven't in a while...,hanging out with my friends and just chillin, talking on the phone, which i absolutely can't live without., and just doing things that make me feel good bout myself, without anyone telling me that i can or can't do it.

I'd like to meet:

who i would like to meet.....ummm...you of course...if like i said before ur not boring then write me...would of loved to have meet my grandfather, he died when i was a kid. Angelina jolie...right kiki...lol of course brad pitt, will smith, and just anyone that's pretty much famous...it's more interesting if u meet them in person. u see more to them than just a person in an article or magazine....


hip-hop, rap, alternative, R&B, 80's rock lil bit of rockabilly (for whom ive got to thank would be shira), country (stop hating u know u lik it sometimes just admit it lol)...pretty much a mixture of things...lik i said i'm not a boring type of person...if i sounds good i'll listen...


many...ATL, How High, the notebook, boat trip, thirteen, crazy beautiful, practical magic, judgement day, euro trip, van helsing, conan the barbarian, the cookout, manaquin, the lakehouse, waiting to exhale, grease, cry baby, just so many...


don't watch much televison so i really wouldn't know...


i read....many different kinds of books...tony hillerman, nora roberts, danielle steel, sandra brown, stephen king,...etc...


i would have to say my father...he left us 10 years ago...n waitin for his return...(2 more yrs)...very smart man n gives me all the advice i need...without him i would be lost in life. love u dad....and my son for encouraging me to get up everyday to care for him...other wise i'd still be depressed...