musicians, artists, poets, students, teachers, gypsies, thrashers, skateboarders, cowboys, thugs, computer nerds, writers, comedians, extroverts, introverts, punks, goths, rockers, emo kids, listeners, workers, walkers, runners, thinkers, mormons, preps, jocks, recovering-addicts, alcoholics, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, teachers, pastors, loan officers, baristas, customer service reps, stoners, groupies, roadies, drummers, extremeists, metal-heads, radicals, activists, leaders, followers, parents, children, dog lovers, dancers, freaks, losers, winners, singers, by-standers, and anyone who has no qualms meeting all of the above.
Music is the love that never fails me. I live for live shows. ..constantly moved by rhythm and melody. My music tastes vary from that which you've never heard of to the most mainstream and hated bands of all time. *nsync baby. I'm not at all ashamed of the music which interests me, and don't expect me to be. (down with the CLOWN mofaku) I dig the funky, the loud, the instrumental, the calming.. anything that comes from someplace real.
Forrest Gump.
Yes please.
The most amazing woman alive.♥