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Joe Diablo

Batman? What kind of a name is Batm.. Ok put the Kryptonite down.

About Me

I speak the unmistakable tongue of the Comic Book Geek. I am also fluent in the language of Arrogant Assholes. Leet speak is for people that have too much free time and not enough friends. I have no time for people who are pretentious or psuedo-intelectual. I like beer more than hard alcohol and that doesn't make me a wimp. I am a purist in some respects and not in others. I will make excuses for the things I like and i will mercilessly trash those things I do not. Morrisey is a short egotistical Irish man and should be treated as such. Futurama is the greatest animated sitcom of all time. These truths are self evident and not up for discussion.
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Your results:
You are Venom Venom 79% Magneto 79% Apocalypse 78% Dr. Doom 77% Mr. Freeze 68% The Joker 65% Mystique 61% Juggernaut 61% Lex Luthor 59% Dark Phoenix 58% Riddler 57% Two-Face 57% Poison Ivy 50% Kingpin 48% Catwoman 48% Green Goblin 37% Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons.
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My Interests

I enjoy games that don't involve little plastic roman numerals and take more than two hours to play. I like to laugh and if you can make me do so I will immediately have warm and fuzzy feelings toward you, unless I am laughing out of pity. I am a half-assed elitist although whether this is because I am too lazy or because I am petulant has yet to be determined. Books are good, as are four shot Americano's, and having both at the same time could be described as heavenly. Always remember, Batman wins, if only because I said so and I'm bigger than you.

I'd like to meet:

No one. People want to meet me.


TORI AMOS, Ben Folds, Tom Waits, Nick Cave, Belle and Sabastion, Ciba Mato, Miho Hatori, Massive Attack, Earth, Wind, and Fire, Iron Maiden, Guttermouth, They Might Be Giants, Yoko Kanno, The Seatbelts, George Benson, Dave Brubeck, Miles Davis, Public Enemy, Metalica, Thomas Dolby, Peter Gabriel, Sarah Mclaughlin, Danny Elfman, Oingo Boing, The Cure, Depeche Mode, old school Motley Crew, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, John Coltrane, Tegen And Sara, Peter Bjorn and John, New Order, Nine Inch Nails, Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, Pop Will Eat Itself, El-P, Aesop Rock, Cannibal Ox, Company Flow, Busdriver, Radioinactive, Kanye West (Fuck You Fiddy) Lupe Fiasco, Wu -Tang clan ain't nuthin to fuck with. There's a lot more to mention but I am lazy. Suffice to say that if I listen to it, it's probably amazing. Except when it's not.


Rather than taking up time with the movies I love, Here is a list of movies that make me wish that I could get the time I spent watching them back:
Alexander. I don't care what anyone says about Colin Farrell as an actor, after this movie he should be dragged though the streets and beaten.
The Star Wars prequels. George Lucas will forever be remembered as the man who turned Darth Vader into a pansy. Just goes to show you that marketability is not a good enough reason to make a movie, much less three of them. Which brings me to my next trilogy;
The X-men movies. Fuck James Marsden, fuck Haley Barry, fuck Famke Jansen, fuck Anna Paquin. Brian Singer came dangerously close to following in the footsteps of a man who really needs to be killed, the man that directed;
Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. Joel Schumaker is the antichrist. Period.
The rest in no particular order,
Daredevil, Elektra, Natural Born Killers, Spanking the Monkey, Requiem for a Dream, Rush Hour 1 & 2, Armageddon, Terminator 3, Highlander 2, Most Disney remakes,
and any movie that didn't end the way I want it to.


Samurai Jack, Saber Marionette j, Tenchi Muyo, Foster's Home for Imaginary Pets, Teen Titans, Avatar, Scrubs, X-files, Boston Legal, Rescue me, Arrested Development, Dream On, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Space Ghost Coast To Coast, CSI, Lost.


"sometimes standing up for your friends means dying. And sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people"Dwight, Sin City The Big Fat Kill
"You have fucked with the wrong ten year old"Barry Ween, The Adventures Of Barry Ween, Boy Genius
"I do not aim with my hand, she who aims with her gun has forgotten the face of her father, I aim with my eye."I do not shoot with my hand, she who shoots with her gun has forgotten the face of her father, I shoot with my mind."I do not kill with my gun, she who kills with her gun has forgotten the face of her father, I kill with my heart"Susannah Dean The Dark Tower Part 3, The Wastelands
"Don't Panic" Ford Prefect Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy
"If you loved me, you'd all kill yourselves today" Spider Jerusalem transmetropolitan

My Blog

Awsome Comic my best friend Tobiah showed me.

XKCDfor teh win!
Posted by Joe Diablo on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:16:00 PST

Number one reason to be thankful this holiday season

So I have found a reason to be thankful this thanksgiving. Is it my wife and daughter? Nope. My health? No No No. My friends? Guess again. Two words. Perhaps the most beautiful two words in the...
Posted by Joe Diablo on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 12:03:00 PST

So This Is What They Mean By Hot Coffee.

..> SEATTLE, WA -- With all the brouhaha around whether Seattle strip clubs should be banished to the far reaches of the city due to their presumed secondary function as an expressway to hell, it s...
Posted by Joe Diablo on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 03:10:00 PST

Crip fo' Life Biatches

It's just that I'm old school like that, roll that rap over soul loops like thatTalib Kweli- Old School RulesSo its late and I should be in bed but what fun is that.I got some Talib Kweli on my I-Tune...
Posted by Joe Diablo on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 10:54:00 PST

I'm Back Baby

So its been a while.So a lot has changed and a little has stayed the same and if you want an accounting of the past months that I havent written about, well youre gonna be sorely disappointed.Im here ...
Posted by Joe Diablo on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 07:47:00 PST

All i have are these damn Napalese coins.........

Say hello to all the nice people Bea. hello!!! Ain't she great?
Posted by Joe Diablo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So for all of you that didn't kow, i have quit smoking.  This would be the begining of my third week as a non smoker and, let me tell you, I...
Posted by Joe Diablo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Here they are people.....

THE 2004 DARWIN AWARDS Yes, these are all true. They are finally out again. It's an annual honour given to the person who did the gene pool the biggest service by killing themselves in the mos...
Posted by Joe Diablo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ok now i'm pissed.

OK,  so this morning, after a somewhat less than fitfull night of sleep, i decide that i am going to look up a couple of restaraunt locations online.  Namely Sonic, and Long John Silvers.&nb...
Posted by Joe Diablo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The road to Orange County (part 2)

"The forest was lovely dark and deep,  but i have promises to keep and miles to go before i sleep" Oh damn, i forgot that you should never use a quote when you can't remember who said it. ...
Posted by Joe Diablo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST