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Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved Attkins Soul opic / cipo 1041375.
Attkins Soul traces its roots to such incarnations as The Pyratt’s, Noise, Us and Them, Fooltimes, and The Nerfs. It is a modern-day Canadian juggernaut led by co-founders Olivier and Alain. Prior incarnations of the band never lived up to certain members’ expectations, which led Olivier and Alain to demand more from themselves and drove them to focus more on the nucleus of an entirely different, and much more powerful, force with which to be reckoned.Attkins Soul was unleashed upon humanity in 2005 with Olivier on bass and Alain as lead-singer and rhythm-guitarist. The band lay in waiting for months, biding its time, before Alex arrived on-scene and seized the position as a pounding drummer. Then, in 2006, Marc began wielding the lead guitar and slinging background vocals, which made Attkins Soul complete in all its convictions and ultimatums. In no time, the band furiously composed 25 original songs in a rock/pop/alternative style designed to assault the senses. Attkins Soul vaulted from clubs to stages, then made the monster leap from stages to festivals. Well armed now with experience of the scene and compositions, it is without compromise that the band’s four members have forged their style in the annals of history. Attkins Soul is not simply a band but also a living, breathing, monster force that are at the same time authors, composers and interpreters with diverse ideas that have coalesced to form a distinct and unique sound: solid, equalized, and always unrelenting.Let the onslaught begin...
Formé en 2005, Attkins Soul c’est d’abord Olivier à la basse avec Alain au chant et à la guitare. Le groupe va naviguer plusieurs mois avant de connaître sa formation définitive en 2006 avec Alex à la batterie et Marc à la lead guitare et au chant. Attkins Soul explose de convictions et de désir. Sans perdre de temps, le groupe compose un répertoire de 25 titres originaux en huit mois dans un style rock pop alternatif. Attkins Soul se produit de clubs en salles, de salles en festivals. Les quatres membres, maintenant solidement unis, ont fait partie de formations diverses telles: The Pyratt’s - Noise - Us and Them - Fooltimes - The Nerfs. Avec une solide expérience de la scène et des compositions, c’est sans compromis que le quatuor définit son propre style. Attkins Soul c’est bien quatre entités qui sont à la fois, auteurs, compositeurs et interprètes, amenant toutes leurs idées pour un résultat sans équivoque: une seule et même musique, à l’image du groupe, solide et équilibrée.
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