Rejected from a cruel and selfish world, three talented musicians,(Eric Ouellet, Shane Dufour and Mathieu Lang) decided to go and pave their own path through the mist of their own differences. They made their way working on their powers and disposing of any trace of weakness. Guided by the light of the everlasting Moonrise, the trio was ready to conquer the entire world. As the pioneers went deeper and deeper, a dark blanket filled the sky and hid the remaining guiding glances of the moon. Our three warriors being overwhelemed by the inpenetrable darkness of this world desperatly needed something to help them fight back and stand over everything. That's when they heard a little noise from a clearing, the noise of one wandering soul( Marc-André Courtemanche ) that had been through the same path they had been through while everything on their way tried everything to stop them. The new four man army shared powers, exchanged forces and stood proudly as the S.S.A. Looking at the darkened sky, without any more moonlight to guide them, the warriors knew they had to I N D I C A T E their own perfect world to every single dead or living soul. They were not crowned yet but they were on a mission. The mission to fight until the end. The mission to support one another and together, we shall Punish This World!