MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC... movies, shopping (if I have money to spend) workin with teens, hangin out with friends...just havin a good ole time
Mason singing Like The Wind at church. :)
MASON (My son.... awesome!) COLDPLAY (going to see them this summer!!!), DAUGHTRY, SWITCHFOOT, P.O.D., DC TALK (need to reunite), sometimes: Lynard Skynard, Zepplin, Kravitz, I just LOVE music! Too many to list all. BUT... I HATE COUNTRY! COUNTRY SUX!!!!!!!!
LOTR! Napoleon Dynamite, Benchwarmers, What About Bob?, A Walk to Remember, Sweet Home Alabama, Cast Away, Hitchcock films, lifetime movies, M.Night Shamylon films!
King Of Queens, Law and Order C.I. and SVU, Everybody Loves Raymond, Golden Girls, Twilight Zone, Dateline stuff like that, Deadzone, Psych, Monk! (he is hilarious), Josh and Drake or Drake and Josh (however it is) :-) I am doing good to do my daily devotional.