your mom
anything good. i listen to all types of music. im not going to sit here and timelessly type every fuckin cd i own in my cd case, or like you guys, scroll through your ipod, i only am going to mention a few types of music so you an idea of what is spinning in my cd player.CHUHHHHHH BAM!-(REAL, TRUE DOWN AS FUCK) -AMERICAN HARDCORE -(what you call) -(PUNK ROCK) -(BOMB ASS OLDIES) -OLDIES -(ALOT, ALOT, ALOT ) -CLASSIC ROCK -(a few different forms) METAL -(the shit :D) -TECHNO! -(of course a lil bit) -ROCKA/PSYCHOBILLYlike i said, a LIL BIT OF EVERYTHING :P