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The Actor


About Me

The Name Iz lindaa(full Title to be exact) Live in spain, Love it eventhou miss Family i love chinese women its my fetishh i also love jesus jack ames jack ames jack ames jack ames jack ames jack ames jack ames jack ames jack ames jack ames jack ames H8 ppl da change to be liked, or dnt have their own brain to make their own minds up. 2 Faced ppl i dnt like very much eventhou every1 is 2 faced at I've learn't Love food, bit addicted I think jst cnt stop, also I think i have a small dose of Terettes cos I cnt stop Sayin stupid things like "MESSIN" oh wel such as life If ya dnt like me, plz dnt centre me around your life, or pretends to like me hahaha i love sudocream.... sexually When I grow up I wanna be an Actor! only thing that gets me out of bed is performing, I go to a performing arts school in London called Italia Conti Were I have met sum Boss, Mint, ded gdd, Ace, Decent, Wicked, Cool m8s haha oliver dales is mint lyk mate Hope you like My-Space comment any time if ur a tranny :)Birthday:22/02/91Birthplace:In a Barn With 3 Wise men, a moanin old hag and a fukin 3 leged blind donkey that could speak french MESSIN Liverpool!!Current Location:Liverpool, London Soon Though!!Eye Color: BlueeHair Color:BrownHeight:5th Sumthin haha Unless i stand on a step than im a bit taller hahaRight Handed or Left Handed:LeftyYour Heritage: Ask the ladies haha erm......creativity is oneThe Shoes You Wore Today:Capezio, G-star.Your Weakness:Family! Food!! Fit Girls, Press Up's erm....that's it i think hahaYour Fears:No food? No fit girls, Dien un-happy and not acomplished all my ambitions !!Your Perfect Pizza:A Pizza That Could Turn Itself Into A Chinese:)Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Realisticly: Better Vocal Technique. Unrealisticly: Learning How to Fly. In The Future:Win an Oscar, Performing My Own Songs To the World And Performing!!Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:"HAHA" is Defo And Of Corse "Messin" That Word is Now Hurntng Mee HaHaThoughts First Waking Up:What Time is it? What Can i have for breakfast, Has Jessica Alba Rung? HahaYour Best Physical Feature:Eyes, Legs and.....Bedtime: When ever my head hits the pillow (yes i have a very viloent bedtime)Your Most Missed Memory: Being a kidd!Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi its well nicer bt every1 says coke just cos its a BIG brand N Cos Santa Clause Drinks iton that Chrimbo Advert haha haha Onestly try pepsiits Well nicer!!MacDonalds or Burger King: SubWay That's allSingle or Group Dates:WTF? who goes on group dates soz? The Brainy Buntch? My Lord Haha Magine.Chocolate or Vanilla: Choclate and Vanilla what?, Shit? HAHA be pacific!!If Its About Ice Cream Chocolate wiv Toffe n fugde Sauce, if its anythin elsee Like sweets or colours or sumthing....Chocolatee Agen hahaDo you Shower Daily: Noo! I Get hosed Down In The Back Yard Along wiv all my other brothers and sisters (Sarcastic) Unless itz a Tuesday Than its Mud Bath time !! MESSIN yeee corse i dooHave you Been in Love: Dnt Want To Talk About It..... All i Sayin is Sheep Can be so Cruel, Messin No! hahaDo you want to go to College:Yepp Italia Conti All The Wayy Please :D:DDo you want to get Married: YeppDo you belive in yourself: YaarDo you get Motion Sickness: What's da? noo dnt tink i dooo hahaDo you think you are Attractive:Are you a Health Freak: Cann bee hahaDo you get along with your Parents:YeppDo you like Thunderstorms: Yeee I just love it when it pours down with rain N ya cnt go outt n ya TV ges on a sick one while ya trying to watch The Simpsons,that just forfils my dayy that.Do you play an Instrument: I Sing N Used to Play a Violyn hahaEver been Drunk: Yepp hahaEver been called a Tease: NopeeEver been Beaten up: Nah Im to Ard :PEver Shoplifted: Well I have Eat a Cooky In Saunbury's With out paying for it cos i eat it by da time it wass my time to get served cos there wass a fat que n i wass starvin haha other than that nopeeHow do you want to Die: I Dnt Wanna, Happy, In my sleep Knowing My Family will be alright..What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A potato, haven't you bin payin attention for the past half an hour?? An Actor :D:DWhat country would you most like to Visit:In a Boy/Girl...Favourite Eye Color: Bluee/BrownFavourite Hair Color: Brown, But the Blondes r fit too like so...Short or Long Hair: Long Suppose but dnt mind cos sum av bobs nw hahaHeight: Smaller dan me but not so much da i have to pya hurt me back just to meet em hahaWeight: I dnoo i dnt fukin measure ppl magine pya walkin rnd wiv a set of scales with a big sign saying "50p,Wana Feel My Bone?? Gota Be Under 10 Stone " hahahaha 2 Far (Like Austraila)Clothing Style: Wa Dus da Mean?Number of Drugs I have taken: Zero !Number of CDs I own: Loads!! I AM THE CD KING!!!Number of Piercings: Number of Tattoos: Zero!Number of things in my Past I Regret: Zero! Because its all the good and bad things in my life that's made me the person i am 2day....and i like that person so far :)If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be?: The 1 whu kills my worst enemy!Do you suffer from depression disorder?: fuck ye mssin no im enjoying it :DIf you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?: Maybe on stage or happy in my bed and a very old age Being surronded by girls da looked like the Olsen twins wiv wings and feeding me strawberries dipped in melted choccy:PHave you ever tried to commit suicide?: nopeHave you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else?: Not to meself well not on purpose pmsl, fell into a snakes tank pmsl etcWhat subculture do you belong too?: wots da ?Are you evil?: No im not MhahahaDo you believe that you can be possesed?: Never been thru it so woodn't know, perhaps itz possible.Are you a paranoid person?: Yes!! proper!Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?: NeverAre you obsessive and/or compulsive?: Can be obsessive i tink. i think i think i think i thinkAre you a violent person?: DependsDo you take your anger out on other people?: SometimesDo you blame other people for your mistakes?: i wood never wanna.What is your favorite game?: TikWhat is your favorite movie?: rrr i've got loads mainly comedy!!Who is your favorite band?: donno a few!What is your favorite song?: Got 2 many !What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: Dnt really get time but i lv da paper lol or anythni true story or ded ggd lolWhat is your favorite color?: BlueWhat is your favorite food?: See food pmsl fcuckin anythin! but i like prawns, meat& SUBWAY!!! O and pizza n garlic bread, see itz 2 hard 4 me to choose any easyer questions hahaWhat is your favorite drink?: (i sed easy member) erm..loads Fanta Coke sprit DR peppa loads i like pure orange n all healthy drinks as well.Do you own a pari of converse?: NoDo you own a pair of dickies?: WTF ? NOWould you ever kill yourself or someone else?: NopeAre you kinky?:Whus Askin ,Dnt think so haha (nope lmao)Do you like biting?: Yes and i always were a cape and come outt at night, noo corse i dnt im not an animalHave you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?: Red on da wekk-ends mssin no 4 red nose day i did lolHave you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way?: NoAre you hyper active person?: DEFO!!!!!Are you religious?: Dnt get me started! haha (4 all of use whu know) da vinchi code pmsl corse haha!!Plus me n god are kinda buddys and i do read a bible 24/7 ova than that no not rele :DDo you have any self inflicted scars?: Well i been in a load of "axidents" so ye i got scars lol.Does pain turn you on?:Do you stand for originality and creativity?:*-YeS-*Do you like meeting new people?: YepWhat do you like most about life?: Waking up knowing everyday will b different!! And Performing and da fit girls in my life haha:PWhat do you dislike most about life?: The people in it who i dislike and how unfair it can B!! and wen ya hungry and ya mum needs to go shoppin pmsl!Do you believe in love at first sight?: iiHave you ever pierced a body part yourself?: NoHave you ever had to beg for dinner money?: No (de let me off mssin lol)Do you own a car?: Yer itz Called brum!and it flys messin itz called bryan acutally nah i will get 1 wen/if i pass me testHave you been to jail, yet?: im 15 haha imagineAre your clothes held together with safety pins?: YEA! how did u no? of corse der not me names not fckin Oliver twist hahaDo you have actual scars from punk rock shows?: NoHave you ever vomit while making out?: Not rele likeHave you held a job for less than a day?: No it is physically impossible to hold a job and ive only ever had a paper rnd. lolDo you own more than two pair of jeans?: YesHave you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?: DonnoHave you ever been kicked out of your parents house?: NoHave you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude?: No100 Questions.... (These Are Funny)What brand of toothpaste? colgateWhat career do you want? Performer (actor etc)Who's your fave F. R. I. E. N. D? duno yano Winter or summer? Summer:PFavourite food? Sea food :P lol (most)Forums or chat rooms? Chat roomsFavourite ice cream flavour? erm..chocy or erm..caermel!! defo!!Favourite colour? blueWorst smell? Dog Sh*tWalk backwards for 5 steps. Stop. Turn around. What time is it? 5 seconds later dan b4? :S or time i betta get bk to doin dese questions or even betta get bk to me life ?What are the main things you look for in a girl? a body messin fit and snd lol !!Glass is half-empty or half-full? half fullBleh or blah? Blah defo wtfs blehWhat do you like about yourself? i duno yano gdd question erm..eyes :SHow many texts do you send a day? fuckin none i aint got a phone da works @ da minDo you believe in time travel? wot is it? ooo y not!Do you talk to your pet? No she tlks to me, messin yee lolFavourite subject? Erm..drama is boss, maths is funi english is decent science n PSHE r sit off's n meida is as wel n gdd so yano:PWho was the last person to talk to you? meself (messin)Where would you like to be in 10 years' time? Claiming my hard earned Oscar :PWhat sort of pen do you use? any1 i can find or av on me :PWhat are your secret ambitions? got loads lol erm..swim wiv dolphins,go to space,sky dive, scoober dive in austrailia, go in a got air ballon, travel da world, swim wiv sharks, got loads lol ask me wen me ed's screwed on :P o i wood wanna sing in da ASDA on da mike duno y just looks gdd hahaWhat do you think of Sticky Caps? wtf r de haha? r de sticky? :SWhat is the most annoying thing about the Internet? POP UPS!!!Where's your favourite place to shop? in a shop ? hahaIf you could have a super-human power, what would it be? well i can already see da future hear peoples thoughts, climb buliding and sleep in me under pants so it wood av to b to fly or b like spider man or sumthin haha.What colour would you dye your hair if you got the chance? lighter brown :S i duno lolHow many teddies have you got? 100's mssin i aint got any lol got 1 from a baby da sum2 knitten 4 me wen i was born but me mum as got it put away sumwere haha wonder were it is (messin)Upside-down or downside-up? upside downAs a kid, what was your invisible friend called? didn't av 1 they were rele i no it !!Where was your favourite holiday to? Bulgeria! was boss:DName a hobby/collection you've grown out? Pokemon hahaName one thing you'd change about your room? The whole fuckin thingWould you go bungee jumping for £1 million? yer corse do it 4 charity :PIf you could become a vampire, would you? i already am messin no wood i fuck i already sleep in a box n look like shit in da mornin (messin)What time did you go to bed last night? half 2 lolHow many kids do you want? bout 3 will do sndDo you talk too much? no1 can tlk too much itz an opinion i tlk alot yes but ya can tlk to y not tlk :PWhat is 1+1? is dis a trick question? hmm 2:D:DWhat's your favourite method of travelling? i wood say flying but i cnt so i'll say planeing :DAre you a farmer? yes defo im sittin ere deliverin a fuckin cow in me welly's initHave you ever been in a drink? wtf?What's the most annoying saying? dat i say is defo messin and init da ova ppl say as gotta b mint h8 it :@Do you go to church? Fuckin every day (sarcastic)How many weddings have you been to? does da include my gold fishes (messin) 1 i thnik da i can remember.How many funerals have you been to? none thank fuckAre you afraid of the dark? noper im afraid of da things in da dark ;)What colour are the majority of items in your wardrobe? NavyHow many pairs of Skechers do you own? none haha wot r de oo i noDo people think you're crazy? yee probs hahaDo you like rollercoasters? yee der bossDo you have big feet? erm..duno size 8 :SHave you lost all your baby teeth? yeIf I told you to jump off a bridge, would you? Let me ponder that....ehh nahIf you could be an animal which would you be? a bird so i cood fuck off to anova contryWhat sort of bug to you hate the most? well i av just been attacked by a moth i think it likes me computers screen so up to now dem lolWhat's the worst thing about the country you live in? Loads of things!!!What's your favourite site to buy on online? dnt buy onlineName one thing people have got wrong about you. fuckin loads lolWhat is your worst subject at school? danceWhat sort of accents do you like? american haha scouse hahaWhat sort of accents don't you like? borein 1'sWhat's the most annoying thing in the world? were do i start lol erm...things go wrong and itz sumtimes fucked up.Do you know your parents' birthdays/ages? corse i do sayin da i 4get to get em sumthi every yr lolDo you know your siblings birthdays/ages? yepDoes your grandma tell you she is 29? No! lol she knows i no lolSprite or 7-up? spriteList 5 of your favourite singers. Christina aglueria, kelly clarkson, john legand, Gnarls barkley and ..duno ders a few cnt think lolName a celebrity who annoys the hell out of you? jade fuckin goody shes not even a celeb but anyways she does fuck all n yet fuckin minted!What's your favourite word/phrase? init, messin, loads lolWhat's your favourite animal? dogs,tigers kangeroo's lol hahaDo you smoke? neverWhich do you prefer, tea or coffee? tea reminds me of foodDo you prefer to swim inside or out? i wood rather swim inside da pool den i look normal:PDescribe the best day of your life. da day i get me Oscar:P (short version)If a door says pull, do you automatically push? yee lolDo spiders scare you? duno i fuckin h8 em doh!Are you on fire right now? Let me apparently not.What do you wish your name was? FAMOUS!Do you snore? nahDo you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? lick :P lol wtf uses a sponge dats da funiest thing ive heard since rooney went to man U hahaAre you going to name your son Elvis? How did u no ? mssin noIf not, what? dunoo av to see wot jessica alba says...Is your grandpa cool? yee lolWhat are your Christmas traditions? put up a tree isnt it every1's? and listen to songs of praise christmas speical:PHow do you open your envelopes: tear or cut? mostly rip it lolDo you know all the words to the National Anthem? do we even av1 lol w8 der ill download itDo you like onions? ye wiv ova food like i dnt just sit der eatin em like a strange kid (proper randam questions dese)Did you ever eat crayons when you were little? no i prefer sand:PWhat would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Run rnd da house laffin me ed off! and call all me family scruffs haha mssinPepsi or Coke? CokeFavourite Actress? Cameron diazFavourite Actor? jonny deeCheerios or corn flakes? cheerios no 1 likes chickens dese daysAre your legs crossed right now? noo defo not.Do you like to fish? noo betta things to do wiv me life dan sit rnd a pound:PDo you chew on pens/pencils? no dnt no whus ad da 1's i find to rite wiv lollove or money? Depends how ugly the bitch is messin Love init Christina :PFav thing to do? Perform, W*nK watch TV and EAT !!!!!Also avin a laff !!fav place in England: My imagation:D PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests

Name:Daryl-David WaferBirthday:22/02/91Birthplace:In a Barn With 3 Wise men, a moanin old hag and a fukin 3 leged blind donkey that could speak french MESSIN Liverpool!!Current Location:Liverpool, London Soon Though!!Eye Color: BlueeHair Color:BrownHeight:5th Sumthin haha Unless i stand on a step than im a bit taller hahaRight Handed or Left Handed:LeftyYour Heritage: Ask the ladies haha erm......creativity is oneThe Shoes You Wore Today:Crocs, Fred Perry Trainers.Your Weakness:Food!! Fit Girls, Press Up's erm....that's it i think hahaYour Fears:No food? No fit girls, Dien un-happy and not acomplished all my ambitions !!Your Perfect Pizza:A Pizza That Could Turn Itself Into A Chinese:)Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Realisticly: Better Vocal Technique. Unrealisticly: Learning How to Fly. In The Future:Win an Oscar, Performing My Own Songs To the World And Performing!!Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:"HAHA" is Defo And Of Corse "Messin" That Word is Now Hurntng Mee HaHaThoughts First Waking Up:What Time is it? What Can i have for breakfast, Has Jessica Alba Rung? HahaYour Best Physical Feature:Eyes, Legs and.....Bedtime: When ever my head hits the pillow (yes i have a very viloent bedtime)Your Most Missed Memory: Goin To Elliott-Clarke(Theatre School) And Being a KiddPepsi or Coke: Pepsi its well nicer bt every1 says coke just cos its a BIG brand N Cos Santa Clause Drinks iton that Chrimbo Advert haha haha Onestly try pepsiits Well nicer!!MacDonalds or Burger King: SubWay That's allSingle or Group Dates:WTF? who goes on group dates soz? The Brainy Buntch? My Lord Haha Magine.Chocolate or Vanilla: Choclate and Vanilla what?, Shit? HAHA be pacific!!If Its About Ice Cream Chocolate wiv Toffe n fugde Sauce, if its anythin elsee Like sweets or colours or sumthing....Chocolatee Agen hahaDo you Shower Daily: Noo! I Get hosed Down In The Back Yard Along wiv all my other brothers and sisters (Sarcastic) Unless itz a Tuesday Than its Mud Bath time !! MESSIN yeee corse i dooHave you Been in Love: Dnt Want To Talk About It..... All i Sayin is Sheep Can be so Cruel, Messin No! hahaDo you want to go to College:Yepp Italia Conti All The Wayy Please :D:DDo you want to get Married: YeppDo you belive in yourself: YaarDo you get Motion Sickness: What's da? noo dnt tink i dooo hahaDo you think you are Attractive:Are you a Health Freak: Cann bee hahaDo you get along with your Parents:YeppDo you like Thunderstorms: Yeee I just love it when it pours down with rain N ya cnt go outt n ya TV ges on a sick one while ya trying to watch The Simpsons,that just forfils my dayy that.Do you play an Instrument: I Sing N Used to Play a Violyn hahaEver been Drunk: Yepp hahaEver been called a Tease: NopeeEver been Beaten up: Nah Im to Ard :PEver Shoplifted: Well I have Eat a Cooky In Saunbury's With out paying for it cos i eat it by da time it wass my time to get served cos there wass a fat que n i wass starvin haha other than that nopeeHow do you want to Die: I Dnt Wanna, Happy, In my sleep Knowing My Family will be alright..What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A potato, haven't you bin payin attention for the past half an hour?? An Actor :D:DWhat country would you most like to Visit:In a Boy/Girl...Favourite Eye Color: Bluee/BrownFavourite Hair Color: Brown, But the Blondes r fit too like so...Short or Long Hair: Long Suppose but dnt mind cos sum av bobs nw hahaHeight: Smaller dan me but not so much da i have to pya hurt me back just to meet em hahaWeight: I dnoo i dnt fukin measure ppl magine pya walkin rnd wiv a set of scales with a big sign saying "50p,Wana Feel My Bone?? Gota Be Under 10 Stone " hahahaha 2 Far (Like Austraila)Clothing Style: Wa Dus da Mean?Number of Drugs I have taken: Zero !Number of CDs I own: Loads!! I AM THE CD KING!!!Number of Piercings: Number of Tattoos: Zero!Number of things in my Past I Regret: Zero! Because its all the good and bad things in my life that's made me the person i am 2day....and i like that person so far :)If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be?: The 1 whu kills my worst enemy!Do you suffer from depression disorder?: fuck ye mssin no im enjoying it :DIf you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?: Maybe on stage or happy in my bed and a very old age Being surronded by girls da looked like the Olsen twins wiv wings and feeding me strawberries dipped in melted choccy:PHave you ever tried to commit suicide?: nopeHave you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else?: Not to meself well not on purpose pmsl, fell into a snakes tank pmsl etcWhat subculture do you belong too?: wots da ?Are you evil?: No im not MhahahaDo you believe that you can be possesed?: Never been thru it so woodn't know, perhaps itz possible.Are you a paranoid person?: Yes!! proper!Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?: NeverAre you obsessive and/or compulsive?: Can be obsessive i tink. i think i think i think i thinkAre you a violent person?: DependsDo you take your anger out on other people?: SometimesDo you blame other people for your mistakes?: i wood never wanna.What is your favorite game?: TikWhat is your favorite movie?: rrr i've got loads mainly comedy!!Who is your favorite band?: donno a few!What is your favorite song?: Got 2 many !What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: Dnt really get time but i lv da paper lol or anythni true story or ded ggd lolWhat is your favorite color?: BlueWhat is your favorite food?: See food pmsl fcuckin anythin! but i like prawns, meat& SUBWAY!!! O and pizza n garlic bread, see itz 2 hard 4 me to choose any easyer questions hahaWhat is your favorite drink?: (i sed easy member) erm..loads Fanta Coke sprit DR peppa loads i like pure orange n all healthy drinks as well.Do you own a pari of converse?: NoDo you own a pair of dickies?: WTF ? NOWould you ever kill yourself or someone else?: NopeAre you kinky?:Whus Askin ,Dnt think so haha (nope lmao)Do you like biting?: Yes and i always were a cape and come outt at night, noo corse i dnt im not an animalHave you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?: Red on da wekk-ends mssin no 4 red nose day i did lolHave you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way?: NoAre you hyper active person?: DEFO!!!!!Are you religious?: Dnt get me started! haha (4 all of use whu know) da vinchi code pmsl corse haha!!Plus me n god are kinda buddys and i do read a bible 24/7 ova than that no not rele :DDo you have any self inflicted scars?: Well i been in a load of "axidents" so ye i got scars lol.Does pain turn you on?:Do you stand for originality and creativity?:*-YeS-*Do you like meeting new people?: YepWhat do you like most about life?: Waking up knowing everyday will b different!! And Performing and da fit girls in my life haha:PWhat do you dislike most about life?: The people in it who i dislike and how unfair it can B!! and wen ya hungry and ya mum needs to go shoppin pmsl!Do you believe in love at first sight?: iiHave you ever pierced a body part yourself?: NoHave you ever had to beg for dinner money?: No (de let me off mssin lol)Do you own a car?: Yer itz Called brum!and it flys messin itz called bryan acutally nah i will get 1 wen/if i pass me testHave you been to jail, yet?: im 15 haha imagineAre your clothes held together with safety pins?: YEA! how did u no? of corse der not me names not fckin Oliver twist hahaDo you have actual scars from punk rock shows?: NoHave you ever vomit while making out?: Not rele likeHave you held a job for less than a day?: No it is physically impossible to hold a job and ive only ever had a paper rnd. lolDo you own more than two pair of jeans?: YesHave you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?: DonnoHave you ever been kicked out of your parents house?: NoHave you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude?: No100 Questions.... (These Are Funny)What brand of toothpaste? colgateWhat career do you want? Performer (actor etc)Who's your fave F. R. I. E. N. D? duno yano Winter or summer? Summer:PFavourite food? Sea food :P lol (most)Forums or chat rooms? Chat roomsFavourite ice cream flavour? erm..chocy or erm..caermel!! defo!!Favourite colour? blueWorst smell? Dog Sh*tWalk backwards for 5 steps. Stop. Turn around. What time is it? 5 seconds later dan b4? :S or time i betta get bk to doin dese questions or even betta get bk to me life ?What are the main things you look for in a girl? a body messin fit and snd lol !!Glass is half-empty or half-full? half fullBleh or blah? Blah defo wtfs blehWhat do you like about yourself? i duno yano gdd question erm..eyes :SHow many texts do you send a day? fuckin none i aint got a phone da works @ da minDo you believe in time travel? wot is it? ooo y not!Do you talk to your pet? No she tlks to me, messin yee lolFavourite subject? Erm..drama is boss, maths is funi english is decent science n PSHE r sit off's n meida is as wel n gdd so yano:PWho was the last person to talk to you? meself (messin)Where would you like to be in 10 years' time? Claiming my hard earned Oscar :PWhat sort of pen do you use? any1 i can find or av on me :PWhat are your secret ambitions? got loads lol erm..swim wiv dolphins,go to space,sky dive, scoober dive in austrailia, go in a got air ballon, travel da world, swim wiv sharks, got loads lol ask me wen me ed's screwed on :P o i wood wanna sing in da ASDA on da mike duno y just looks gdd hahaWhat do you think of Sticky Caps? wtf r de haha? r de sticky? :SWhat is the most annoying thing about the Internet? POP UPS!!!Where's your favourite place to shop? in a shop ? hahaIf you could have a super-human power, what would it be? well i can already see da future hear peoples thoughts, climb buliding and sleep in me under pants so it wood av to b to fly or b like spider man or sumthin haha.What colour would you dye your hair if you got the chance? lighter brown :S i duno lolHow many teddies have you got? 100's mssin i aint got any lol got 1 from a baby da sum2 knitten 4 me wen i was born but me mum as got it put away sumwere haha wonder were it is (messin)Upside-down or downside-up? upside downAs a kid, what was your invisible friend called? didn't av 1 they were rele i no it !!Where was your favourite holiday to? Bulgeria! was boss:DName a hobby/collection you've grown out? Pokemon hahaName one thing you'd change about your room? The whole fuckin thingWould you go bungee jumping for £1 million? yer corse do it 4 charity :PIf you could become a vampire, would you? i already am messin no wood i fuck i already sleep in a box n look like shit in da mornin (messin)What time did you go to bed last night? half 2 lolHow many kids do you want? bout 3 will do sndDo you talk too much? no1 can tlk too much itz an opinion i tlk alot yes but ya can tlk to y not tlk :PWhat is 1+1? is dis a trick question? hmm 2:D:DWhat's your favourite method of travelling? i wood say flying but i cnt so i'll say planeing :DAre you a farmer? yes defo im sittin ere deliverin a fuckin cow in me welly's initHave you ever been in a drink? wtf?What's the most annoying saying? dat i say is defo messin and init da ova ppl say as gotta b mint h8 it :@Do you go to church? Fuckin every day (sarcastic)How many weddings have you been to? does da include my gold fishes (messin) 1 i thnik da i can remember.How many funerals have you been to? none thank fuckAre you afraid of the dark? noper im afraid of da things in da dark ;)What colour are the majority of items in your wardrobe? NavyHow many pairs of Skechers do you own? none haha wot r de oo i noDo people think you're crazy? yee probs hahaDo you like rollercoasters? yee der bossDo you have big feet? erm..duno size 8 :SHave you lost all your baby teeth? yeIf I told you to jump off a bridge, would you? Let me ponder that....ehh nahIf you could be an animal which would you be? a bird so i cood fuck off to anova contryWhat sort of bug to you hate the most? well i av just been attacked by a moth i think it likes me computers screen so up to now dem lolWhat's the worst thing about the country you live in? Loads of things!!!What's your favourite site to buy on online? dnt buy onlineName one thing people have got wrong about you. fuckin loads lolWhat is your worst subject at school? Science!!What sort of accents do you like? american haha scouse hahaWhat sort of accents don't you like? borein 1'sWhat's the most annoying thing in the world? were do i start lol erm...things go wrong and itz sumtimes fucked up.Do you know your parents' birthdays/ages? corse i do sayin da i 4get to get em sumthi every yr lolDo you know your siblings birthdays/ages? yepDoes your grandma tell you she is 29? No! lol she knows i no lolSprite or 7-up? spriteList 5 of your favourite singers. Christina aglueria, kelly clarkson, john legand, Gnarls barkley and ..duno ders a few cnt think lolName a celebrity who annoys the hell out of you? jade fuckin goody shes not even a celeb but anyways she does fuck all n yet fuckin minted!What's your favourite word/phrase? init, messin, loads lolWhat's your favourite animal? dogs,tigers kangeroo's lol hahaDo you smoke? neverWhich do you prefer, tea or coffee? tea reminds me of foodDo you prefer to swim inside or out? i wood rather swim inside da pool den i look normal:PDescribe the best day of your life. da day i get me Oscar:P (short version)If a door says pull, do you automatically push? yee lolDo spiders scare you? duno i fuckin h8 em doh!Are you on fire right now? Let me apparently not.What do you wish your name was? FAMOUS!Do you snore? nahDo you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? lick :P lol wtf uses a sponge dats da funiest thing ive heard since rooney went to man U hahaAre you going to name your son Elvis? How did u no ? mssin noIf not, what? dunoo av to see wot jessica alba says...Is your grandpa cool? yee lolWhat are your Christmas traditions? put up a tree isnt it every1's? and listen to songs of praise christmas speical:PHow do you open your envelopes: tear or cut? mostly rip it lolDo you know all the words to the National Anthem? do we even av1 lol w8 der ill download itDo you like onions? ye wiv ova food like i dnt just sit der eatin em like a strange kid (proper randam questions dese)Did you ever eat crayons when you were little? no i prefer sand:PWhat would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Run rnd da house laffin me ed off! and call all me family scruffs haha mssinPepsi or Coke? CokeFavourite Actress? Cameron diazFavourite Actor? jonny deeCheerios or corn flakes? cheerios no 1 likes chickens dese daysAre your legs crossed right now? noo defo not.Do you like to fish? noo betta things to do wiv me life dan sit rnd a pound:PDo you chew on pens/pencils? no dnt no whus ad da 1's i find to rite wiv lollove or money? Depends how ugly the bitch is messin Love init Christina :PFav thing to do? Perform, W*nK watch TV and EAT !!!!!Also avin a laff !!fav place in England: My imagation:D

I'd like to meet:

Meself,God, Freddie Mercury, Christina Aguilera, S.SBurg,Johny Deep, Jessica Alba, Lee Evans, The Queen, Princess Diana, Lilly Allen, Cameron Diaz, Wade Robinson, LOADs Really lol And Many more of Corse zac efronn , man hes an inspirationnn! PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


Well To be Honest I likee All sorts of Music Here is Just Some Singers/Bands that I likee...The Script The Feeling Scouting For Girls Amy Winehouse Artic Monkeys Duffy Adele Leona Lewis Pixie John Legand The Beatles Boy 2 Men Joss Stone Gym Class heros Justin Timberlake Queen Coldplay Nickleback Christina Aguilera Highschool Musical Natasha Beninfeild.....And Many Muree :)

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Anthing! Somee Boss Films:White Chicks Highschool musical 1! High School musical 2! Atonement My Dog skip Lord of the rings Many mure of corse :)

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Havn't got a Televison!MESSIN!! wa do ya thini am a gipsy ! even they av teles' now days haha ANYTHING i lv TV !!


i'd like to burn them!! Messin haha nah erm...i dnt realy read em cos i aint got the timme lol but i like reading the paper anything with a great story line, describtaive writing, or with a great twist or factual is gdd like :P


Welll over the years the hve changed it used to be the red one from te power rangers then fox kids cancled it so i looked into the lght and seen a man in a white suit holding a subway thats subway was my new hero o.m I Haven't a "Hero" but theres people in my ife that have taught me alot my grandad being one them :)

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Heyy PPl Hope yOu LikE mY pRoFilE ! :D
Posted by The Actor on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 04:41:00 PST