I love anything artistic. This was my 3rd year doing Harrah's Lucky Break. I love to sing karaoke, (pretty good at it too) and I act in local theater. I have been doing film most recently. I love it! I would love to talk with my fellow actors out there.You are 81% genius!
Yay! You are above average! You are a bright person and you will go far! I think they should name a school or even better, a city after you! Go you! Go you!
Are You a Genius?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
I like all kinds of music but I guess I lean more towards alternative. I guess it's good, since I like the same music my kids like so we dont have to fight over it....
I am a movie nut. I watch them whenever I can. Love Sci-fi and horror and romance as well as the comedy. I do find myself drawn to disaster movies. I am a disaster junkie. Hey what can I say, I love em all!
OMG! I love to watch Heroes and Jericho. I love 24! Keiffer is my man( I wish ). That show is just sooo original and I can't get enough of it. I can't wait to see the new season. It will be interesting to see Jack get out of the predicament he has currently landed in.
Arty Kid
Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique.
You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented!
Who Were You In High School?
Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
I am from NY, originally. My heroes are all of the NYC cops and firefighters out there as well as the soldiers fighting for our country.