I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D profile picture

I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D

Serious Actress! Not here for a hookup!

About Me

Hey all! I'm Shawn if you don't already know that. I am a 37 year old single mom of three crazey teenagers. I am just looking to meet down to earth people who aren't overly opinionated. I am a very independent woman. I admit that I am set in my ways. I am not interested in online sex and all that crap so don't send me a message such as...hey baby, want a boy toy, or you are a milf etc etc. I just delete them. I want to make friends. Talk with people who have common interests. I value people who are honest and kind, those with a great sense of humor and a brain. I am honest to a fault and tend to speak my mind, but I am very loyal and a great friend to have! I hope to talk to all of you soon!I love acting in local theater and singing Karoake. I would love to meet some people that love theater or to act in theater. It is a real downer working on a play and having no one see it because most of my friends dont like local theater. I am an actress, I thrive on the attention.I am not looking for flings or married men. Oh, if your a kid, don't message me, that is just gross. I cant go out with someone who is my childs age. Ewwwww. So anyway....I look forward to meeting you!
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My Interests

I love anything artistic. This was my 3rd year doing Harrah's Lucky Break. I love to sing karaoke, (pretty good at it too) and I act in local theater. I have been doing film most recently. I love it! I would love to talk with my fellow actors out there.You are 81% genius!

Yay! You are above average! You are a bright person and you will go far! I think they should name a school or even better, a city after you! Go you! Go you!

Are You a Genius?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

I'd like to meet:



I like all kinds of music but I guess I lean more towards alternative. I guess it's good, since I like the same music my kids like so we dont have to fight over it....


I am a movie nut. I watch them whenever I can. Love Sci-fi and horror and romance as well as the comedy. I do find myself drawn to disaster movies. I am a disaster junkie. Hey what can I say, I love em all!


OMG! I love to watch Heroes and Jericho. I love 24! Keiffer is my man( I wish ). That show is just sooo original and I can't get enough of it. I can't wait to see the new season. It will be interesting to see Jack get out of the predicament he has currently landed in.
Arty Kid
Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique.

You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented! Who Were You In High School?


Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com


I am from NY, originally. My heroes are all of the NYC cops and firefighters out there as well as the soldiers fighting for our country.

My Blog

My IMDB acting resume

For all of my lovely Fans, Family and Friends out there.  I am adding my link to my IMDB page and Resume below for your viewing pleasure!  :D    http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2706945...
Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 09:54:00 PST

See me morph into Michelle Pfeiffer!

Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 11:53:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 11:47:00 PST

Give me a gritty role!

Well I have been auditioning like crazy.  I just really really need to find something deep, gritty!  Something that I can sink my teeth into!  You know, I kick myself everyday that I di...
Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 08:04:00 PST

Things are looking up

So thing are really looking up when it comes to my acting.  I just got done filming a really fun independent horror film called "Sacrifice the Fear" which was written and directed by Drew Kochera...
Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 04:31:00 PST


So I am really really in a great mood!  I am on my way tomorrow to florida, for vacation and to swap out the kids.  Vacation....A PLUS! A week ago I auditioned for a part in an independent H...
Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 12:30:00 PST

My film career

So I have just finished a 3 day run of auditioning for 3 different independent films.  I am going to get my film career going if it is the last thing that I do!  There isn't much of a market...
Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 05:53:00 PST

On set of "Pieces Parts"

So I was filming as an extra, for "Pieces Parts".  I originally auditioned for Rita, Joans best friend, but alas...I did not get it.  The funny thing is on the 7th of July, I knocked ou...
Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:41:00 PST

The Return Shoot

So I got to be an extra for the shoot of   The Return starring Rachel McAdamns, Tim Robbins and Michael Pena.  It was sooooo much fun! I actually got to be a flight attendent/gate agent...
Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 10:28:00 PST

KDHX Review of Dearly Departed

KDHX Theatre Review - Dearly Departed Alton Little TheaterReviewed by Rebecca Mendenhall Back to the index Alton Little Theater's current production of Dearly Departed makes it clear why this show h...
Posted by I'm not nice...I'm an actress! :D on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:57:00 PST