I'm kind of a big deal...
- I'm riviting.
- I'm a graphic design student.
- I've been to college three times.
- I had a little boy when I was 18, he'll be two in June.
- I'm the Super Mom with the organic crunchiness and overall awesomeness.. you didnt know?
- I'm (kinda) married to my manfriend Casey. (He's pretty much my favorite..)
- I talk a RIDICULOUS amount. It sickens me.
- I'm under 5ft tall. (send money plz)
- The only person at my current college that knows how funny I am is my roommate.
- I AM funny. ..damnit.
- I live in a DORM ROOM with my son, and my roommate and her daughter.
- I get A's like it's my job. Yeah, I'm that girl.
- I'm always sarcastic, new people usually think I'm a terrible person. (I have no friends.. send money plz)
I love:
Glitter. Babies (especially mine). Snowflakes. Candy. Rainbows. Photography. Getting a full nights sleep. Loud bass. People who smoke cigarettes. The internet. Green lights. People who pick their nose in traffic. Beautiful people. Odd colored eyes. Kittens. Baby socks. Cereal. Organic food. Christmas lights. KARMA. Lizards. My moms cooking. Piercings. Giant platform boots. Power. Dreadlocks. Watching mean people fail. Seeing people trip in public. Reno 911. Health articles. Holistic medicine. College. Tickling and being tickled. Ugly socks. Slippers. Soft blankets. Fire. Snowmen made out of plaster on the side of the road. Seatbelts. Clean carpets. Perfect cinematography. Weird dreams. Psychics. Metaphysics. Meditation. Fast computers. Nerds that can fix my computer. Nirvana. Text messaging. Stock photography. Mansions. The desert. Vegas. Trees. Pie. Nakedness. Getting pierced. Hair dye. Looking cute. Sunshine. Hugs. Itallians. Steak. Having a boyfriend I can actually stand. Puns. My son. And my sons naptime.
I hate: Sweaty hands. Sweat in general. Exercise. Fast food. Aspartame. Phenylalanine. Blurry pictures. Disappointment. People lieing to me. Heartbreak. Scary movies. Peanut butter on jeans. Sheltered people. Videogame freaks. ANIME. People who think they're photographers because they can click a button to take pictures of themselves. Fat people. Hicks. Religious freaks. When plans get cancelled. People who think mental illness is real. Medications, and the people who take them. Asshole doctors. Dirty apartments. Leftovers.
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