Plenty of those..
DragonCon, duh..Actually most conventions hold some interest for me..Travel(gawd I can't sit still)..Makeup!!(I love playing in the stuff)
Myspace Graphics
I still want to meet Anne Rice..Bill Gates(I mean really, curiosity is killing me)..Throw in a couple of actors..(Angelina Jolie positively fascinates me, I can't explain it)..I would have loved to have met Josphine Baker, Dorothy Dandrige(I'll explain later if you can't figure it out)
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Depends upon my mood.. Or is it that it sets my mood?
Classics(and I do mean classics)Leaver Her to Heaven,Zou Zou...are you seeing the trend yet? Star Wars(duh), a couple of vampire movies thrown in..Chicago, Sin City, Kill Bill(1 & 2) it's my mood from time to time.Most Disney movies(Lilo & Stitch, The Incredibles, Lion King, etc)..Alien, Aliens..Aside from the guilty pleasure of AVP..Blade.
Almost anything if I can sit down long enough.. Usually tuned into something on Cartoon Network, because I need it. LOST Just save me from all these DAMN "reality" shows..
Lots of them...Lots of them that I'd like to read, that is. I've found myself behind schedule in the things I want to read... A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith is my all time favorite... I keep a copy of Kevyn Aucoin's Making Faces with me nearly all the time, it's come in handy on many occasions.. Those "For Dummies" books.
People who do things, and get things done, without always waiting on others...