I love to sing in the car to a great song, never caring who or if anyone is watching and believe catnaps are a wonderful thing and should be indulged in as frequently as possible, though not while singing and driving a car.
I'm a nerd and proud of it.
I thoroughly enjoy ElfQuest, RPG's, Dragon Con, Renaissance Festivals, Comic book inking, pretty much anything Sci-Fi or Fantasy. I'm passionate about FairyTails Co, my new business!. My wish is that there were more waking hours to do all the things I enjoy.
I would really love to meet the person that did the artwork I use as my background. It's an amazing piece. Other than that, anyone unusual, interesting, eclectic, artistic and ever changing! Of course, meeting the Marquis De Sade, Lord Byron and Mary Shelley would be fascinating as well.
Create Your Own
The Cruxshadows Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks Paul Oakenfold, Meatloaf, Indigo Girls, Alanis Morrisett, Tori Amos, Eminem, Abba, Metallica, Enigma, Bauhaus, Ice T, Loreena McKennit, Shawn Mullins, Kate Bush, Queen, David Bowie, Voltaire, Alice Cooper, Bjork, Jewel, Adam Ant, The Cure, Cheap Trick, Souxsie
Legend, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, (all of them), 1800, Phantom of the Opera, Saw, Dangerous Beauty, The Three Muskateers, Man in the Iron Mask, Star Trek, Event Horizon, THX 1138, Planet of the Apes, (New and Old Versions), Meet Joe Black, Dangerous Liasons, King Arthur, Excalibur, Saving Private Ryan, City of Angels, Men in Black, The Fugitive, Zoolander
I'm a closet reality TV addict when I have time to sit and watch TV. I love the stuff. I guess it's a guilty pleasure. Iron Chef, Survivor, The Amazing Race, Extreme Home Make Over, American Idol, American Chopper(don't you just love the way Paul Jr & Sr bicker?), Big Brother, and yes, even So You Think You Can Dance (hey, I used to be a dancer, in a younger life, so sue me). My other indulgence is Farscape. I hate that they cancelled the show and watch reruns whenever I can. I also enjoy the History channel, and anything to do with nature and animals.
This is only a smidgen of what I enjoy....I read voraciously whenever I have the opportunity. JRR Tolkien, Elf Quest, The Mists of Avalon, Dragonlance, Stephen King (His older stuff, like the Stand) Bram Stokers Dracula, Wuthering Heights, Just about any Shakespeare, Anne McCaffrey, Robert Jordan, Mercedes Lackey, Tanith Lee, Robert Asprin, Ann Rice, Robert Fulgham
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