Zoe profile picture


I Love You too!! Always and Forever.

About Me

Well, i never really know what to put on things like this. I'll do my best to explain a little about myself - although i'm not sure i can get even half of it across here. Errrmmmm..... i'm Sarcastic, Obnoxious, Weird, Awkward, Caring, Exuberant, Passionate, Open - Minded, Nocturnal, Talkative, Creative, Experimental, Witty, Moody, Paranoid, Loving and Non-Conformist. I'm kind of " Dark " as far as interests and attitude goes..... but that doesn't mean i'm a bad person. :P I'd lay down my life for the people i truly care about - god help you if you ever hurt somebody close to me!! However, i'm also very friendly and open - minded. I always make time for people that have similar interests to myself and aren't going to mess me around or hurt me. I have a rather big authority problem, and my sense of humour is a little " Off - The - Wall " sometimes. I have a tendency to curse more than the average person, and i have a pretty filthy mind on me too, lol. :S Finally.... i guess you could also say that i'm a hopeless romantic with her head in the clouds. I overthink pretty much everything, and i spend most of my time daydreaming about.... well, pretty much everything!! Lol. Okay, that's about it. If you want to know anything else, just message me. :)
Finally - if you put in a request and i deny it, PLEASE don't take it personally. If you request to add me and then don't bother communicating with me, then you WILL be deleted. BANDS / PERVERTS: Do i LOOK like the kind of person that actually likes Jazz / Indie / Emo / Pop music, or wishes to whore myself out on webcam for your viewing pleasure?? I think not. Get a life and stop wasting my time!! If you're only looking for one thing, may i suggest you go look for it somewhere else. I'm here for conversation, not copulation. Thanks :)

My Interests

How long have you got? Intelligent conversations, Whisky, Walking in the rain, Kissing, Pizza, Broad - Minded People, Giving Normal people hell, Playful Verbal Sparring, Caffeine, My Best Friend Dan ( :D ), Innuendo, Risk - taking, Making people smile, Sarcasm, Soul - searching, Concerts, Poetry, Astrology, Staying up all night and sleeping all day, Gothic art, Charmed, Going out with friends, walking in forests at night, Full moons, Myspace, True Love, Videogames. Above all else though - i absolutely love music. In fact, i really don't know what i'd do without it!! Music is my life. :D

Dislikes / Pet Peeves!!!

Shallow people, Jackasses, Racists, George Bush ( Don't even get me started :S ), Cruelty to animals, Child abuse, Pop music, Feminists ( Why go on about equal rights and what louses men are, and then have the audacity to complain when a guy doesn't open a damned door for you, for goodness sake?? ), People who cheat, Individuals who pretend to be something they're not, Posers, Censorship, Working in Retail, Being ill, Hangovers, Overly hot weather, Spiders, Anyone who tries to hurt the people i love, American sitcoms, Sluts, Manwhores. Oh, and i LOATHE, HATE AND DESPISE Liars. I'm always honest with people.... and i'd appreciate the same treatment back, thank you very much.

I'd like to meet:

the crow

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my Tribute video to "Silent Hill 2"

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" You have a lonely, dark soul... You value time alone, and dont get on with very many people. You appreciate the factors of loneliness, but sometimes there are a few people who are always there for you, and you never forget that. You tend to be quiet, withdrawn, and sometimes a bit of a dreamer. You have no fear of death itself, and some people may call you a goth. You love the night, and the starry sky. It cheers you up to no end to be lost in the celestial sphere of the midnight sky. "


Type O Negative, Rammstein, London After Midnight, Diary Of Dreams, Cradle Of Filth, Dommin, Malice Mizer, In Flames, Muse, David Bowie, Nine Inch Nails, Razed In Black, Gackt, Voltaire, Arch Enemy, In Strict Confidence, Marilyn Manson, Garbage, Sisters Of Mercy, Anaethema, The 69 Eyes, Zeromancer, Samuel Barber, Deathstars, Rob Zombie, Akira Yamaoka, A Perfect Circle, Mazzy Star, Guns'N'Roses, Metallica, Genitorturers, Celldweller, Tori Amos, Johnny Cash, Killswitch Engage, Ministry, Queen, Amorphis, Beethoven, Lacuna Coil, Orgy, Korn, My Dying Bride, Moonspell, Velvet Acid Christ.... the list goes on. If it moves me, i'll listen to it.


The Crow, Labyrinth, Gladiator, Braveheart, Velvet Goldmine, Practical Magic, American Psycho, High Spirits, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Highlander, Moulin Rouge, Enter The Dragon, The Butterfly Effect, Shaun Of The Dead, Resident Evil, The Lost Boys.


Charmed!!!! Other programmes i watch include Angel, The Ghost Whisperer and Nip/Tuck.


Stephen King and Dean Koontz are my favourite Authors, but i don't really have a lot of time to read. I also really love videogames. The best ones ive played so far include: Resident Evil, Final Fantasy ( especially FFX ), Silent Hill 2, Devil May Cry, Parasite Eve 2 and Tekken.


DAVID BOWIE / GARY NUMAN!!! Also my mother.... for being such an amazing woman, and also for doing the world a great service by giving birth to me. Obviously. :P

My Blog

This is on my profile playlist, love the lyrics! ( Amour, Rammstein. )

Love is a wild animalIt breathes you it looks for youIt nests upon broken heartsand goes hunting when there are kisses and candlesIt sucks tightly on your lipsand digs tunnels through your ribsIt drop...
Posted by Zoe on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:24:00 PST

Lost In The Nothingness Of Futile Procrastination.

    Alone this wretched being stands - wondering where it all went wrong.   She teeters on the brink of insanity, staring down at the chaos that drove her to despair.   The ...
Posted by Zoe on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 11:36:00 PST


  I'm letting you in, so don't let me down. You know how that feels..... so don't make me drown.   With each breath I take, my temperature rises - You've felt it before, no time for surp...
Posted by Zoe on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 09:44:00 PST

I have no idea what to call this..... it's not Poetry exactly. A " Zoe - Like " quote, maybe??

  " Sometimes, I can be the very epitome of calmness and mundane normality. Occasionally, though? I represent everything that is considered " Crazy " in this world, and find myself positively emb...
Posted by Zoe on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:46:00 PST

To my soulmate. Wherever you are.

  My life. It's not so eventful.   I'm happy, or I should be.   But...... there's something missing.   Sweetheart, where are you???   I want you.   Through the darkn...
Posted by Zoe on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 11:00:00 PST

Regarding Myspace comments and possible profile deletion.

  Hey there everybody!!   Well..... it would appear that the Myspace censors found something on my profile that they didn't agree with. :S As anyone who read my bulletin about it will k...
Posted by Zoe on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 01:36:00 PST

One of my favourite groups finally finished their first video...... you HAVE to check it out!!

  This is truly impressive stuff..... i've adored the song for ages now, and the video turned out really well. :D If you like it half as much as i do, then you may want to add them to y...
Posted by Zoe on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:23:00 PST

Life, The Universe, And " Zoe - Like Randomness " :P

  Hey everybody!!! :D   Just a quick update on how everything's going.   Well, life is going pretty well right now. I guess that " Damn It "  blog was kind of depressive, bu...
Posted by Zoe on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 08:19:00 PST

Type O Negative have songs from the new album up!!!!

  Two blogs in one evening / morning??? Damn. Whatever, this is important :P Type O Negative are the first band i ever went to see live. I've loved them for years. Take a look at the video below ...
Posted by Zoe on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 09:23:00 PST

Damn It. ( In short, i could do with a bloody big hug right now. )

It would appear that i'm single again. Shit happens. I feel like someone tore out my heart and then mercilessly stomped on it, but i'll survive....... Lucky old me. Well - i messed ar...
Posted by Zoe on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 09:36:00 PST