Craftsmanship, Marksmanship, and all forms of Goo.
all a youz.
AC/DC, ABBA, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Fleetwood Mac, Hanoi Rocks, Echo & the Bunnymen, Roger Clyne (the Refreshments), And of course, Blackboard Jungle!
Star Wars, Lord o' the rings, Big Lebowski, Hardcore Logo, Spinal Tap, Fear of A Black Hat, Raising Arizona, Better Off Dead, Full Metal Jacket.
Orielly Factor, Discovery channel, History channel, Hannity & Colmes, South Park, Arrested Development, Ali G, Rachel Ray, Black Adder.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy series by Douglass Adams, Hunter S. Thompson, Anything Steven King ever wrote, Michael Chrichton, Kurt Vonnegut.
John Beubian, Kim Fowley, Winston Churchill, Todd "let's roll" Beamer , Bill O Rielly, Obi Wan Kenobi, Angus Young, Dennis Prager.