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Htz 80's!

All of Your 80s Hit Music!

About Me

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Welcome to the Radio X Network!!!!
Your new Online Radio home for
80's music and a whole lot more!
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Here at our Radio Stations we always strive to be on the cutting edge of internet radio technology. Since commerial radio is boring and ignores listeners,


We like to listen to our listeners and staff members. Thats how we keep our station fresh and on the cutting edge, here are a few examples:

Amanda C writes:
"I looked around the HTZ website looking for some 80s stuff and didnt find any, do you have an online store?"
Not only didnt we add a store, we created a VIRTUAL MALL for your shopping needs. If there is something we dont have in our mall, tell us and we will get it there for you. ..DJ Dung wanted to have some MYSpace websites. Here they are:
Radio X Network:
XIAM- Radio X:
HTZ 80- Hit 80s music:
HTZ 40- All Top 40 all the time:

Whatever is on your mind, please feel free to call us at (502)410-1366 or you can email me at [email protected] . To get our reminder e-mails, please register at the left and to listen now, pick any of the stations at the top or the bottom of this website. Happy listening and remember, listening here is ALWAYS FREE!!!

Tanner K. Blackart
Operations Manger
Radio X Network

MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Internet Radio is in
You need to act NOW To help save Internet Radio. Here is an excerpt and something for you to look at..

"On March 1, 2007 the US Copyright Office stunned the Internet radio industry by releasing a ruling on performance royalty fees that are based exclusively on the number of people tuned into an Internet radio station, rather than on a portion of the stations revenue. They discarded all evidence presented by webcasters about the potentially crippling effect on the industry of such a rate structure, and rubber-stamped the rates requested by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America).

Under this royalty structure, an Internet radio station with an average listenership of 1000 people would owe $134,000 in royalties during 2007 - plus $98,000 in back payments for 2006. In 2008 they would owe $171,000, and $220,000 in 2009. "

To learn more, click here!

I'd like to meet:


Tanner: Station Manager/Head DJ/Evil Radio X Network Dictator

JJ McKay: DJ

Kenny: DJ

Dazed: DJ


Radio X Network: HTZ 80's

Stream provided by: Radio X Network
Visit our Website! Click the picture!


HTZ 80's Closet Classic Retro VideosHeaven 17 "Let me Go"Asia "The Smile Has Left Your Eyes"


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Download your HTZ 80s Online toolbar here!
The HTZ 80s live stream is already embeded
in the toolbar!!! *Spam and virus f ree!!!*


Mr. T / Dr. T : Recouping

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My Blog

HTZ 80s Online 1st Blog- Requests needed & some more stuff

Here we go with our first blog! We are going to see how this works out.1.) Our request line is (502) 410-1366. You can always call in and ask for your favortie 80s song. If we dont answer, just leave ...
Posted by Htz 80's! on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 03:49:00 PST