I found this guys report very helpful, maybe you will too. If not that is ok, I just wanted to share where it is located at if you would like to get a copy of it.Here it is: www.ZerotoSevenfigures.com Copy and paste into a browser if myspace is still playing around, ok.Happy Trails to you and yours,John, Chystal and JC Pate
My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at myspaceoryours.net!
We are stay at home parents and we love it. Being able to stay home and raise our son has been the best blessing that could have ever happened to us. Our business is running on autopilot allowing us to do what we want, when we want without fear or worry. Our son JC Loyal Pate is a welcome addition to our family and we love him very much. I am grateful I did not snub my nose at others making money, rather I chose to listen and apply there wisdome and just like that we are wealthy beyond our wildest dreams. I am looking forward to what life has to offer, what about you? We will show you if you are ready.
More about John and Chystal Pate to come later stay tuned..In the meantime...Our intention is to be very wealthy and a servant to mankind.
Please stay healthy, warm, and enjoy...
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