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Four Quarters

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Four Quarters' main URL is - visit for info about the Land, Memberships, Church, Event Calendar, and Online Registration
For over fourteen years Four Quarters has fostered an active experiment in growing functional cultural alternatives. A place where the many ways of Sharing in Community, Challenging Play and Knowing Spirit combine to create a rich, vibrant human tapestry.
We see ourselves as on the cutting edge of the Progressive. We strive to create safe space where individuals can explore their own potential by searching out new experiences within a new cultural context. We actively cherish each other in our diversity, and we encourage that diversity. We understand that Change is a Choice, and is always Challenging.
In other ways we are deeply Traditional. We derive inspiration from Nature, The Land and its Seasons and Cycles. We see parents and their children as our best hope for the future, supporting them and each other whatever our personal life-style choices. We prepare and share our food together whenever possible as an active expression of our larger definition of family. And because we embrace our personal responsibility for our actions, we understand that Freedom is not License.
Our Members and Guests come from a broad demographic of all ages, incomes and backgrounds. At Four Quarters you will find tattooed and pierced Urban Primitives sharing morning coffee with Corporate Warriors on their weekend return home. Ceremonialists in Native American Traditions making day-long ritual for an International Psy-Trance Dance Festival. Confirmed Peace Activists honoring Military Veterans and their personal sacrifice in a nighttime Moon Service. All part of a Community defined not by what we exclude, but rather by what we include.
Our Church, The Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religion, is incorporated in the State of Pennsylvania, is governed by our Board of Directors and Members Advocates, and practices rigorous financial accountability. The Church was founded to provide an opportunity for Earth Religious worship within safe and sacred natural surroundings... without requiring any kind of religious affiliation. The Church holds regular New and Full Moon Circles throughout the year, sponsors cultural gatherings during the camping season and celebrates the major holidays of the neo-pagan revival including Beltaine, Samhain and Yule. There is no requirement of Church Membership in order to participate in any religious activity at Four Quarters, or to enjoy Four Quarters Farm Membership.
And at the Center of this Community is the Land and the Circle of Standing Stones. A place of beauty that remains a firm foundation through the rhythms of our lives.
We invite you to come join us...
As we stand together
in the Center of the Circle.

My Interests

paganism, pagan, family, wiccan, native american, asatru, stregha, druid, celtic, santeria, voudou, buddhism, taoism, hindu, hermeticism, kaballah, alchemy, technopagan, eclectic paganism, otherkin, new age, divination, tarot, runes, obi, diloggun, psy trance dance, drum circles, kirtan, sweat lodge, reiki, energy work, divinity in all forms, bellydancing, bardic circle, otherkin, sustainability, permaculture, green living, community, Stone Circle, ancestor worship, chaos magick, Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltaine, Litha, Mabon, Lammas, peak oil, tattoo, ceremony, ritual, Spiral Scouts, pagan parenting, new moon, full moon, sacred space, spiritism

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that is open to the possibilities of spiritual exploration in a truly tolerant atmosphere. Anyone who is tolerant of all spiritual paths and realizes the beauty of diversity. We honor family in all of its diverse forms. Children under 16 attend Four Quarters sponsored events for free!


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My Blog

Family Weekend at 4QF

Spiral Round Family WeekendFriday, July 27 - Sunday July 29, 2007 at Four QuartersSponsored by: Four Quarters SpiralScouts Circle #95.The Spiral Round Family Weekend is open to all children and their ...
Posted by Four Quarters on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 05:04:00 PST